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    Skomentował Hunter X Online.
    7 lat temu

    reward is too low.
    you spend more than 1,5h for lvl 30.

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    wykonał zadanie do gry Star Trek Online.
    7 lat temu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Revelation Online.
    7 lat temu
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    Skomentował Revelation Online.
    7 lat temu

    ok nevermind my previous long comment.
    i found out that i can repeat the story quest darkfall so it will still be counted.
    but yeah, still a bit of a long way to lvl 20.

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    Skomentował Revelation Online.
    7 lat temu

    nevermind. this task is too hard. let me explain why:
    first of all, the name of the dungeon is "darkfall" and not "spirit" ruins (anymore).
    they probably changed it.. i watched some youtube videos where it still was called spirit ruins. and its 100% the same dungeon as "darkfall".

    okay let me explain: to do darkfall (aka spirit ruins) dungeon, you need level 20. you can get level 20 in... about 90 min (thats already long enough).
    next: if you are lvl 19-20, there is a quest where you need to explore the darkfall.
    - but: the quest log in revelation online is ****. there is no real quest log. you cant really see all your completed quest. there is only "archivments" where
    you can see which "huge quest chains" you completed. like.. one location has 100 quests. if you complete it, you completed thatlocations quest.
    - so: you cant really show evidence that you completed the story darkfall.

    other option: beside the "story quest darkfall" you can enter darkfall dungeon (non-story, normal dungeon mode) if you are lvl 20.
    but: even if you try easy mode, darkfall dungeon is too hard for solo. the dungeon is norally made for a group of 5 players.

    so there are 2 things: what is this task? did you want the "story quest darkfall" or the "darkfall dungeon" to be completed? because the quest log in the game is ****, i dont know how to show that i completed "story quest darkfall".
    but if you wanted us to complete "darkfall dungeon" (because there is an archivement you can get if you complete it at least 1 time) it is too hard then. because the dungeons are for 5 people.

    conclusion: it will take very long to do this task and you cant easily find 5 people to do the dungeon with you.
    so its not possible to complete this task solo. (because as i said, first option, if you wanted story quest darkfall, its not possible to show it because quest log is ****. and if you wanted second option, the dungeon darkfall normal completion its also not really possible because you need 5 people)

    - actually its maybe possible to find 4 more nice people who can carry you for a group of 5. but i think the soulgem reward for this task is a bit too low for so much effort.

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    Skomentował Revelation Online.
    7 lat temu

    i completed this (note: "spirit ruins" is "darkfall")
    but i have no idea where i can look up that i completed spirit ruins (aka darkfall)

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