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    Сообщать почему скриншот или задание не были приняты.

    18 august 2020 08:53 8369

    Let me please interfere here again as a user (still hope it doesn't forbidden), since I just want to help.

    1. Please wtite your suggestion or idea in English when posting on this forum. Also, try to change your language in the settings (••• in the upper right corner) to English, too.

    2. The reasons for game task rejections are usually indicated in your notifications. If you want to learn more, don't hesitate to write to Misty! You can do the following:
    a) Get already made tips by choosing "I have a problem with the platform" → "Tasks, walls of offers, minigames", and so on, moving further by the corresponding steps;
    b) Describe your problem and ask additional questions. To do this, select "I have a problem with the platform" → "Technical problem" → "Other", then write your issue in detail and wait a little bit for the answer. The Support members will help you as much as they can.

    Have a nice day!

    18 august 2020 18:45 8369

    Чтобы прокомментировать, вы должны быть авторизованы!
