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    открыл Minecraft Chest и выйграл 10 Soul Gems.
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    Прокомментировал эту тему About Elvenar.
    4 года назад

    Elvenar is a fun game to play when bored.

    Elvenar is a city-building strategy MMO set in the fantasy world of Elvenar, ancient and untouched for centuries.

    Elvenar is a game that enables players to communicate with one another.  Elvenar allows players to join fellowships and help one another.  Technologies are how one would unlock buildings and expansions.  The technologies are in the tech tree.  In Elvenar, the player completes tasks to reach higher levels.  The player has the option of expanding his or her city with the expansion button.  When the player expands their city they then have more space for building buildings.  

    When one has enough money or gems, they can start upgrading things.  When buildings get upgraded, they help increase the money the player obtains which allows the player to buy more stuff.

    In the map, a player is able to conquer provinces which allows them to expand their city, which allows them to make more buildings.  

    Players are able to make friends in Elvenar.

    There are many games like Elvenar, but Elvenar is the only one that the players can choose which race to be.  Players can choose to be either, Elves or Humans.

    One of the other games like Elvenar is Forge of Empires.  The games are created by the same creators so they are very similar.  

    In Elvenar players can make friends with other players.  If players make friends with other players, they can have fun together and talk to each other.

    Elvenar is a browser-based 2D strategy MMO with a primary focus on city-building and exploring the world map. Players begin by building up a city, making sure to connect buildings to the streets and growing their wealth by producing resource-generating buildings. Elvenar has a Culture system, offering benefits to players who decorate their town with lampposts, trees, etc., making their townspeople happier, ultimately leading to better resource production. It features a unique combat system, allowing players to directly control their units as opposed to sending them off into auto-battle as many other games in this genre would.

    The game boasts some great graphics in the form of artwork, environments, user interface, and animations from the civilians wandering around the player’s city to the exciting battles; overall the game looks great

    Players get to experience battles either them doing it or the computer doing it.  It mostly ends up as a player win.

    The world map has been split into hundreds of provinces using a hex-based map system, allowing players to travel to these mysterious locales and complete various tasks, trade, and battles that reward player’s own exploration efforts.

    This is why I think that you should play Elvenar.

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    открыл Приветственный сундук и выйграл Руна Хагл.
    4 года назад


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