3 years ago
The characters… well, not bad, but none of them are "well-developed", professionally written individualities. Just like in the first two games we control five characters here, but this time I wasn't so sure who plays the main role. I mean the last two times all the five characters felt relevant and the story was build around them pretty good, but here... The chemistry between the characters didn’t work for me at all, and while both Man of Medan and Little Hope had enough time to create tension, we’re almost right into the middle of things here. The voice actors did a really good job, the sound effects were good too, and the visuals completely impressed me. In terms of visual I liked this one the best, especially the environment. The underground cave system with ancient structures inside...a little bit felt like a Mummy remake. As I said before I was really skeptical with the this setting, but I have to admit it worked (more or less). The story goes deeper when we discover traces of an expedition from the late 1940s and find out what they came across. The mystery with its ancient Mesopotamian curses and horrible creatures is interesting enough to keep you inside. Unfortunately, looking at its other aspects, the House of Ashes is far from being so outstanding.