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    MOrtifer Flag tr

    6 months ago


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    A user and darklady08 are friends now
    2 years ago
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    Commented subject CS:GO Tips.
    3 years ago

    Thank You I'm Playing Better CS:GO now.🙂🙂

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    Commented Vast Wars.
    3 years ago

    get rekt lol saybır rekt ama suan bu yorumu yapamayacagım için bi 2 dk sonra fln yapmaya çalışacam belki şuan bunu yazdığı için uzun zaman geçti ve o 2 dkk dedii

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    Commented Vast Wars.
    3 years ago

    tıhe dardan adamlar darkan adamlar birazcıkda darkin adamlar

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    received a reward - 20 Robux.
    4 years ago
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    4 years ago

    wtcNN ii bir yayıncı izleyin amına godum

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    received a reward - 50 Robux.
    4 years ago
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    Reached 3 level
    4 years ago
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    4 years ago

    nice article and this game is good

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    4 years ago

    nice game, and nice article bro

    MOrtifer badge
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    4 years ago

    sonra eqmeğin içine dana sosisi koyacan bizim dolapta vardı gari

    MOrtifer badge
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    4 years ago

    sucuk ekmek istiyom mangalda kızarmış sıcak ekmeğin arasına konulmuş

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    4 years ago

    pırt şu uzayın suyu aqarrr seirnİdir oy

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    Commented Vast Wars.
    4 years ago

    How to get xp???? pls say how to get xp with comment

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    4 years ago

    okadukalaaama raşta biri var hdi gidekqqq anmnskm yrmypmımom aq

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    4 years ago

    Hadi gidelim garagola merqeze hadi gidelim

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    Commented subject Warframe vs Destiny.
    4 years ago

    Warframe is more nice

    MOrtifer badge
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    Commented subject Is this game good? .
    4 years ago

    I Think no this game is very bad👎👎👎

    MOrtifer badge
    MOrtifer avatar
    Commented subject I don't like it..
    4 years ago

    Yes, me too


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    War Thunder

    When we see the popularity of World of Tanks, we should certainly consider whether games with similar themes and mechanics can stand a chance against the famous publisher. Well, they can. And not only stand a chance, because this game named “War Thunder” beats WoT in many ways.In the beginning, we can select the type of unit. In...

    Star Conflict

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    Vikings: War of Clans

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    Vast Wars

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