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    4 years ago

    Stingy Wizard

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    completed a quest from League of Angels III.
    6 years ago
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    completed a quest from League of Angels III.
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    completed a quest from League of Angels III.
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    completed a quest from Vikings: War of Clans.
    6 years ago
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    Commented Elvenar.
    6 years ago

    Te śmietniki nie chcą mi zaliczyć 1-ego zadania.

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    completed a quest from Islandoom.
    6 years ago
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    completed a quest from Big Bang Empire.
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    completed a quest from Big Bang Empire.
    6 years ago
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    completed a quest from Big Bang Empire.
    6 years ago
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    Forge of Empires

    One of the best browser strategy games. Our city is developed since time immemorial, since the Stone Age. Starting with a pure plot of land used for our own village, we have to expand in order to create our own empire. An amazing aspect of the game is the fact, that the time is passing, so the era are changing as well. In this w...

    Shakes and Fidget

    Shakes and Fidget is a RPG browser game set in a fantasy world. At the very beginning, we make our character by choosing between nine races: the Humans, the Elves, the Dwarfs, the Gnomes, the Orcs, the Dark Elves, the Goblins and the Demons and then, between three classes: the Warrior, the Mage and the Hunter. Our main quest is ...

    World of Warships

    Become a Commander and plunge into global naval history!The World of Warships fleet features over 200 ships, dating back to the First and Second World Wars. Find out which warship type suits you best, and amass a navy of your own.Choose the flag you want to sail under. In WoWs, you can pick from the world's leading naval forces....

    Big Bang Empire

    Caution! Big Bang Empire contains erotic content and therefore it’s intended for adults only....

    Vikings: War of Clans

    ATTENTION! The offer is available only for NEW users! The Vikings fans finally lived to see a real treat in form of a genuine MMO game. It is time to take your battle axe and move into the world of the Vikings, to face the challenge which is leading a village.Become a real earl, expand your village and carry out the attacks on y...


    Join Elvenar today and join the forces of Elves or Humans in the eternal rivalry between the ancient magic and sword and ax. Elvenar is an other browser game created by InnoGames, who created such games as the Tribal Wars, Grepolis or Forge of Empires. "An other browser game", yet not worse than the others and the creato...

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