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    H.I.S.T.O.R.Y T.O.R.C.H.K.A 2 bg

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    H.I.S.T.O.R.Y T.O.R.C.H.K.A 2 bg

    H.I.S.T.O.R.Y T.O.R.C.H.K.A 2

    Klucze do gier

    Czas wysyłki

    Do 31 dni


    Klucze do gier


    More projects from Legalase.


    About the Game

    Feel yourself in the skin, beaten by the life of a drug dealer with a hard fate and a pain in the ass.

    Fate has brought Joni to a new place, he will have to re-punch the way in the lowlands of society and hope for his small initial capital, but Joe knows what and how is done in our time, ask why he will not be engaged in normal work? The answer lies deep in his confused head, but I can say one thing - for him it is not just a business, it is a lifestyle and probably part of his soul....

    Place of action, Russia, somewhere in the forests of Siberia, in a small country house, filled with everything necessary for illegal machinations and residence. It is from this place, Joe will run the business and make money, but you need to remember the main thing, just one mistake and you're behind bars...


    You have to develop illegal business, build cars, get drugs, grow plants.
    The gameplay consists in the development of production, finding new connections in the police, business, unfolding caches, selling goods on the Internet, the use of various substances, the discovery of new drugs, etc.

      [ * ] Grow Marijuana.[ * ] Get drugs.[ * ] Deliver goods to different countries and cities.[ * ] Use your drugs.[ * ] Ignore, help and communicate with the NTC.[ * ] Lay out stash.[ * ] Manage your finances and stocks.

    Be careful in the game there are bright colors and quick change of images.