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    odebrał nagrodę Runa Mannaz.
    5 lat temu
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    odebrał nagrodę Runa Mannaz.
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    odebrał nagrodę Runa Mannaz.
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    odebrał nagrodę Runa Mannaz.
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    odebrał nagrodę Runa Mannaz.
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    Skomentował temat CS:GO Crosshair.
    7 lat temu

    Choose the crosshair you want for ... good headshots!

    We are talking about it crashz' Crosshair Generator v2 (2.60). Many people will hear it, but for those who do not know it you will find 
    plenty of potatoes in its workshop steam. It allows you to change your crosshair, build one yourself or choose one of those who use them
    pro players.By making your own crosshair, you choose the size, thickness and color, and then try it out to see if it pleases you or not!
    It's a good choice to choose the crosshair that will please you countless headshot!Have good headshot and easy games. So good games and
    ranked up fast!

    Usually, your crosshair is automatically saved, if this is not done with the following guide
    [Help] Crosshair does not save automatically! [Try this Guide]
    If your crosshair settings do not save as they should there are 2 reasons why this could happen:


    1.) You have crosshair commands in your autoexec.cfg which overwrite your crosshair on CS:GO start-up:

    (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg)

    > Find "autoexec.cfg"
    > If it's there open it
    > Delete all commands that start with " cl_crosshair..."
    > Save

    2.) Your config.cfg is set to "Read-only":

    (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg)

    > Find config.cfg
    > Right click -> Properties
    > UNCHECK "Read-Only"
    > Apply

    3.) You followed all steps (of #1 & #2) and it is still now saving?

    Change to your desired crosshair, open console and type in:


    Hit Enter.

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    Skomentował temat Nice game if you're bored!.
    7 lat temu

    It's a nice browser game but....
    Do not expect incredible graphics with history and the rest. It is a very nice game with as good as the graphics as a browser game. It is very good to spend your time and gives you a sense of evolution by upgrading your buildings, your army and fighting against other players. The main purpose of the game is to learn how to manage your resources properly. Only if you learn the right balance between revenue and expenditure can you unlock new technologies, improve your city. Beginning, you will be the "leader" of a very small breed where, if you learn to manage your resources, as you said above, you will discover new Technologies, you will conquer provinces and turn your small village into a metropolis. The game is divided into seasons. You start from the Stone Age and travel through the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the various phases of the Middle Ages, the Colonial and Industrial Epochs. Then you will continue in more recent times such as Progressive, Contemporary, Postmodern and Simerini. After these, we will try to pass briefly to the Future, which will cool enough when we reach the Arctic Future.
    You will be able to move into a new era by unlocking the first technology from this time in the technology tree. Once you get into a new era, you will get a new Town Hall and your old one will be automatically replaced. In most cases, when you enter a new age, you can immediately build some buildings of this time. Εξοπλίσου με υπομονή και θα ανταμειφθείς σε βάθος χρόνου!! Good Games!!

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    odebrał nagrodę Galil AR | Black Sand.
    7 lat temu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Forge of Empires.
    7 lat temu
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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
    7 lat temu
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    Zdobycie 2 poziomu
    7 lat temu


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