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    Skomentował temat Report Threads.
    4 lata temu


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    Skomentował temat where are the minigames found.
    4 lata temu

    huh I can't see them on the browser mode or on the app either. weird.

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    Skomentował temat The best Christmas movie?.
    4 lata temu

    Tokyo godfathers is a pretty good one, probably my favorite actually. revolves around three unlikely friends who have wholesome moments, sounds cliche but isn't too heavy on the sap

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    Skomentował temat What chest is best?.
    4 lata temu

    Chests are not a great way of spending your soulgems, you can only get so lucky. I spent a bunch on the golden gifcard chests and barely broke even. so... It's probably one of the best chests but still not a great idea unless you like the thrill of winning in once in a long while.

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    Skomentował temat whats your favourite song?.
    4 lata temu

    Love Taste by moe shop and others.

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    Skomentował temat TV zone and .
    4 lata temu

    yes, there's a limit. To continue earning sg from the tv zone you need to complete a task.

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    4 lata temu


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    No it's not. I've completed both war thunder and crossout tasks. Your username doesn't have to be exactly the same. For example, I used MookGamer as one account and MookOnGames for the other one. Don't worry, it's entirely possible to get two gaijin games, if you don't believe me I think you can check my reward logs. (they're clogged up with golden gift card chests tho)

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    Skomentował temat gamehag chest.
    4 lata temu

    Well I can fairly dispute the comment above me made by SGT_Dawww because I opened about 16 golden gift card chests and didn't get anything. Just kept loosing and loosing, I did it as an experiment and I don't regret it.

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    Skomentował temat How has your day been?.
    4 lata temu

    @line_madsen dude, that sounds really sad? Like do you eat? hmu if you need someone to talk to or something, I used to work a part-time cleaning service and it wasn't very fun. But as for me, my day was pretty average. Did everything I usually do, I did start working on an article that I can hopefully put here.

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    Skomentował temat Experience bar colour.
    4 lata temu

    Just noticed this, it might be a problem on my end, but the text colour and colour of the experience bar are like the same and it's hard to see where I'm at. Nothing big, just an ease of life thing that I noticed and I swear it wasn't like this before.

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    4 lata temu

    You don't earn gems from commenting, you get xp. You can however, get 1 soulgem for successfully reporting spam comments by clicking that triangle with an exclamation mark at the bottom right of each comment. If you abuse this, you will be blacklisted

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    Skomentował temat Help regarding Soul Gems.
    4 lata temu

    so xp is given by completing tasks or commenting on forums. PLEASE DON'T SPAM. There's a max amount of xp you can get in a day (five comments) to counteract spamming. And to answer your first question, you can get soul gems by writing articles or rating articles. The latter will take time to credit though.

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    4 lata temu

    Yeah, an adult section never stopped anyone from entering. Just look at the average age at which kids start watching on the hub, it's 10. Also, I don't think many 18+ games exist and need the help of gamehag to get popular. Nutaku is one, and is honestly so popular they pull in more money than most mobile games. Gamehag does have "Kingdom wars Game of Lust" which isn't exactly an adult game but does include mature content.

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    Skomentował temat Why my XP bar stuck??.
    4 lata temu

    yes, there is a maximum amount of times you can get xp from commenting in a day, it's five. Wait until tomorrow and then you'll be able to get more xp.

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    Skomentował temat Average Accept/rejection times.
    4 lata temu

    it should say the max is about 48 hours but I haven’t done one in ages so I’m not too sure

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    Skomentował temat Golden giftcard Chest.
    4 lata temu

    What's up, with the blackweek event I decided to spend my savings of 4000 sg opening a bunch of chests, and I'll tell you what I got. The first chest gave me 500 sg so it was a positive trade, however, the next 13 or so chests only resulted in 100-250 sg so I was losing every time. I don't recommend opening these chests even with the 50% off offer. and uhhh, not salty about losing my sg or anything but yeah.

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    Skomentował temat How do we get to level 3.
    4 lata temu

    ah okay, so you may have noticed the tutorial... I'm joking, that would be a rude thing to say. But honestly, there's nothing limiting you to only complete one task at a time, various methods of gaining xp include completing tasks, commenting on forums, or some offers on the offerwall... Not so sure about that last one.

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    4 lata temu

    Please stop making threads like these just for xp, they don't apply to anything and are frankly, quite annoying. Try and make threads that are useful, or comment something useful on someone else's thread. For example, instead of just saying gamehag is the best game ever (which it isn't, gamehag isn't even a game) do something like the best games on gamehag are crossout and war thunder because you can get a ton of sg for them.

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    4 lata temu

    you should get a reply within two days, usually after one day tbh. You could also purchase VIP and get better support there. But you just gotta wait for the discord task, it took like a week for them to verify mine.


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