5 lat temu
How to use Soraka to protect and save your teamates and help them to win :)
Soraka is good for poke , at one level you have the advantage to poke the enemy adc, starting with q is the best option. on early game she has big cooldown and weak heal ( w) , so you have to poke with q and hit, late game she is a heal beast.
Lets explain her abilities and their uses :
1) her passive has mobility ( 70% movement speed) when moving towards allies with low health ( below 40% of their health) .
use: great escape with this extra movement speed and also you can run faster to save your teamates
2) her q calls down a star dealing magic damage and slowing enemies , also heals you back
use: its great for poke enemies and make good trades because of the heals that gives you back
3) her w sacrifices a portion of her own health to heal an ally ( you cant heal under 5% of your health)
use: keeping your allies alive or save them
4) her e creates a zone that silences enemies, when the zone is going to end enemies in it will root
use: nice ability, that can deny various champions
5) her r is a global ulti and heals all allies ( increased by 50% on targets under 40% of their health )
use: you can save your allies or win the fight with the extra health
Good sustain in lane Weak early
Poke Big early cooldowns
She can keep alive her teamates Weak early heals
Small late cooldowns She is the first focus
In my opinion Soraka is a great support. She can change a teamfight by keeping alive her allies. She is the first focus so you have to be careful with your position!
Practice is all you have to do ! Have fun :)