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    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    odebrał nagrodę Layers of Fear.
    5 lat temu
    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Skomentował Travian.
    5 lat temu

    What others said is right. It's broken. Task will be rejected, even if you make sure your Travian username is the same as your GameHag one, and that your lvl 5 Main Building and taskbar with time / date are all visible in the screenshot. It will reject anyways. Waste of time.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Skomentował temat Have not Been Given Rewards.
    5 lat temu

    It takes some time to recieve rewards. I've ordered two rewards so far on this site; both game keys. The first was delivered after 18 days. The second hasn't been delivered yet, but today's the 18th day that I've been waiting on it too, so maybe today they'll send it. Both of the game keys said they had a "24 hour" delivery time.

    If I continue to use the site, I hope they'll try to deliver orders more quickly.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    5 lat temu
    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    5 lat temu

    Why would it be easier for someone to successfully plagiarize from old internet article back catalogs compared to new articles for newer games? Those old back catalogs are probably all indexed by google, just like new game reviews. So checking for plagiarism would involve searching on google for similar sentences regardless of whether the plagarizer used old or new source material. Maybe I'm missing something?

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Skomentował temat how do I find a golden bat.
    5 lat temu

    If you watch the bats moving past on the main page and don't see one after awhile, I feel that perhaps none will go past until you go do something else and reload the front page, and look again. They extremely visible when they appear, since the entire bat will be golden.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
    5 lat temu
    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Skomentował temat Profile pic.
    5 lat temu

    That's strange, if they're 300 KB. What format is the photo? Perhaps make sure it's PNG or JPEG. Also, try resizing the image to around 500 pixels wide or tall, keeping the aspect ratio. You could use any photo editor for this, such as GIMP.

    The profile picture that I uploaded was 907x939 pixels, JPEG, and its size was 346.7 kB

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    odebrał nagrodę Fallout 3 GOTY.
    5 lat temu
    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
    5 lat temu
    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    5 lat temu

    Most of the SG that I've earned so far are from games. I haven't earned anything from minigames, and I've earned a little from contracts. The payout for writing articles is good, but make sure that your article has good grammar, is well organized, has photos, etc.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Skomentował temat Resident Evil 8.
    5 lat temu

    I'd like to see him return to the team, as long as Capcom gives him creative freedom and treats him fairly.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Skomentował temat Increase the rewards.
    5 lat temu

    Thanks pavel_hristov. I didn't know that. I've only been using the browser version of the site so far.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Skomentował temat Fortnite IS dying!.
    5 lat temu

    Nothing lasts forever. If another free multiplayer game emerges with new content and hooks the playerbase, there could be a massive shift towards that game.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Skomentował temat Increase the rewards.
    5 lat temu

    One suggestion that I'd have for GameHag would be to develop some new ways of earning SG. For example, if we could earn by watching some advertisement videos, that would be great.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Skomentował temat HELP PLS!!!.
    5 lat temu

    If you scroll all of the way to the bottom of the page, there's an area labeled "Quick Access" and under that there's a "Contact Us" link. Maybe you could use that to contact GameHag, and they might change your name for you. There's no way for you to do it yourself though, I'm afraid.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Skomentował temat Video card selection.
    5 lat temu

    One extra caveat: I mentioned buying what's on sale, as long as it's powerful enough, and I stand by that, as long as the card in consideration doesn't present poor price to performace to begin with.

    For example, the GT 1030 DDR4 edition is terrible. It's only about 50% as powerful as the GDDR5 version, but priced about the same. Also, the new RTX cards from NVidia are powerful, and you might decide to purchase one if you want every bit of performance you can get. But, they don't have the best price to performance right now. Also, there have been some problems with the reliability of some RTX cards, due to one particular supplier of GDDR6 producing unreliable memory, which was used on some RTX cards. It's luck of the draw whether you'd receive a card with memory from that manufacturer.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    5 lat temu

    @thenikering --- Unfortunately, when you post a lot of short messages like that, one after the next, they may be considered spam and deleted. Deleted comments lose the XP that they previously earned.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    5 lat temu

    I'm not sure if GameHag will accept recommendations for new games, but if you want to try, the best place to go would probably be GameHag's discord server.

    galticalic949 badge
    galticalic949 avatar
    Skomentował temat Video card selection.
    5 lat temu

    I tend to go with NVidia always, when buying a card. Here's why:
    1. I'm more familiar with NVidia
    2. I play X-Plane 11 and it's poorly optimized for AMD cards
    3. The driver support for AMD cards in Linux are worse, at least for older AMD cards

    That being said, AMD has some great offerings. If you only use Windows and you're not interested in X-Plane 11, I'd say go with what ever you find on-sale, as long as it's powerful enough for what you need it to do.


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