Before making your choice to buy a computer with an amd processor, visit this article! The advantages of AMD processor:
AMD is cheaper than Intel If you are a gamer who does not have enough funds, lucky buddy because the processor is good for gamers whose price is quite cheap when compared with Intel. That's because AMD has not been too holding and dominating the world market. Meanwhile, the world market is still filled by Intel. That makes sense right?
More Superior than Intel From Graphic Aspects One more thing for gamers. In addition to the price is cheaper, the quality of AMD graphics processor is better and suitable for playing games because the graphics display game will be more interesting if using this AMD processor. However, for youtuber or renderer less suitable if using this one processor. It's better to use Intel only if you want to render.
AMD Processors Can Detect Malware AMD makers have an idea to add virus / malware detection features. This feature is called Enchanced Virus Protection (EVP). This feature works to check whether there is a virus contained in the program that will run.
Better If Handling 64 bit Applications As technology advances, application development is also growing rapidly. That's a lot of content so it's 64 bit based. Well, AMD also took the opportunity to see this condition. Thus, AMD producers directly make the processor more optimal when handling 64-bit based applications. That's what business is called. Well, that was some of the advantages of AMD.
Now I will discuss the lack of AMD processor or often called the processor of gamers.
The Disadvantages of AMD Processors:
Losing famous From Intel When viewed from the number of users in the world, AMD is still far from Intel. That's what makes AMD brand is not very well known by ordinary people. Anyone ever ask me, is he confused choosing an Intel or AMD processor?
"so, do you think it's better AMD or Intel?" The answer depends on the need ...
Intel or AMD has its own advantages and disadvantages. Intel's advantages are different from the advantages of AMD.
Well, the good impact of this shortage is the price of AMD processors cheaper than the price of Intel because AMD has not earned a reputation as good as Intel.
although in fact the quality of AMD is not less than Intel, even outside Intel. However, why does AMD not gain popularity like Intel?
Fast Heat
AMD more often expels heat. That's because AMD does not use the heatsink as its main cooling component. Some AMD still use the fan / fan as a cooling component. Some people have gone to ice cooler to reduce the noise that is not pleasant to hear.
Lost to Multimedia
For friends who like the multimedia world, I recommend not to use this processor in the process you do. Better to use Intel only because it is designed to handle matters relating to multimedia.
Well, that's some of the advantages and disadvantages of AMD processors. Hope can help you in choosing a suitable processor for your needs.
PARAGON You must be new or may have heard it, either from your friends, or see gameplay video on youtube. If you are a gamer who likes Dota 2 gameplay, League of Legends, or other MOBA games, you might be interested to taste this. Paragon - As the latest game MOBA Paragon genre, ready to invite you to play MOBA game in different view. Seeing from a third person's point of view will greatly feel the atmosphere of a fierce battle of any hero of course. With its exciting fashion and gameplay you can not wait to play it.
Paragon Games has cool and super gokil heroes in terms of effects & animations. You can see the existing trailer or Paragon Games gameplay video right now. Have the same way of playing in terms of MOBA games, but there are different modeplay in this latest MOBA Paragon Games. What is that? Please join the MOBA world with Paragon Games. Come download Now !!
Paragon Gameplay
MOBA's latest game in 2016, Paragon is able to attract the hearts of many players from other MOBA games. Paragon has a large enough Map, focusing on 3 areas based on Role in the early game.
Just like any other MOBA game, Paragon also has its minion, but its shape is funny robots. For Heronya, it's all free, there are lots of Hero options in this game with different skill and different usage, from start to human form, until the green lizard that rosein another pink lizard.
Paragon has 3 variants of gameplay, namely Players vs Players, Coop vs AI, and Solo vs AI. Oh yes, at the beginning we play Paragon, we will get a free boost to improve Reputation for a few days.
Games that are published by Epic's in ramal will be the most popular and up-to-date row of MOBA games. Paragon always presents a new hero every 3 weeks for the satisfaction of gamers MOBA, of course you are curious and want to try this latest MOBA game?
This is the PC System Specification Needed for Playing Paragon MOBA Game!
Minimum: Operating System: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit Processor: Core i5 2.5 Ghz RAM: 4GB Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD 6870 equivalent DX11 GPU VRAM: 1GB
Recommended: Operating System: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit Processor: Core i5 2.8 Ghz RAM: 8GB Video Card: Nvidia GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 equivalent DX11 GPU VRAM: 2GB
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Wyrażam dobrowolną i odwoływalną zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez Administratora w celu świadczenia usług serwisu gamehag (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych [Dz.U.1997, nr 133, poz. 883 z późn. zm.]). Poinformowano mnie o tym, że podanie moich danych osobowych oraz wyrażenie zgody na ich przetwarzanie jest dobrowolne oraz o przysługującym mi prawie do dostępu, kontroli przekazanych danych, ich poprawiania, a także o prawie sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania oraz przekazywania moich danych osobowych innym podmiotom.
zgodę na otrzymywanie informacji handlowych
Wyrażam dobrowolną zgodę na otrzymywanie informacji handlowej o usługach własnych oraz partnerów serwisu gamehag za pomocą środków komunikacji elektronicznej. Zapewniona mi została możliwość rezygnacji z jej otrzymywania lub odwołania zgody w dowolnym momencie.
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