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    7 lat temu

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    Skomentował temat Gamehag website went crazy?!.
    7 lat temu

    Hello guys, we have added an option to change your language settings if you wish! Just click the three points on the top-right side of our website and click the flag. Select the language you wish to have your website in and that's it!

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    Skomentował Arena Mody.
    7 lat temu

    Le lien sera fixé aussitôt que possible, désolé pour le désagrément !

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    Skomentował temat Patience is the key!.
    7 lat temu

    Hello lixkelik! Thank you for your kind words. However, we are still aware 30 days is a long, long time for a reward to be delivered and we will do everything in our power to satisfy your needs!

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    Skomentował temat czy to są jakieś żarty?.
    7 lat temu

    Drogi skylones - jeśli jesteś w stu procentach przekonany o poprawnym wykonaniu swojego zadania, posłuchaj się kolegów i napisz do Misty - z pewnością zrobi wszystko co w jej pomocy by Ci pomóc! :)

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    7 lat temu

    Thank you all for your answers, I assure you we have read them all and are up to a further investigation. We will be constantly working to improve the experience you have while reaching our Support team!

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    Użytkownik i Karcia są teraz znajomymi
    7 lat temu
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    7 lat temu

    Thank you guys for your feedback!
    Dracindo, the information about the Soul Gems you get for referring an user has just been changed.
    As for the FAQ, we will improve it very soon and our team and I will certainly consider your suggestions.

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    7 lat temu

    Hi there. I have seen a lot of negative feedback about our support team, that is why I created this thread in order to regroup your comments. Please provide only constructive criticism - it is the only feedback we will read! Thank you!

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    odebrał nagrodę Fall of Civilization.
    7 lat temu
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    odebrał nagrodę Elements: Soul of fire.
    7 lat temu
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    7 lat temu

    Hello gals and guys! I'm not doing it too frequently. To be honest, I'm not doing it at all, but I need your help. I have received some feedback that some of you may be disappointed about the fact that we have removed paysafecards in EURO from outside Europe. This is why I have to ask those of you who are from other continents if you had any issues while using this kind of payment method. Thank you for your help!

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    Skomentował temat GameHag app is uselss..
    7 lat temu

    Hi there!
    We are currently working on a new, improved version of our app.
    Please stay tuned! ;-)

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    odebrał nagrodę Fall of Civilization.
    7 lat temu
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    Skomentował temat Fake key .
    7 lat temu

    Hi there! If you have any issue with a duplicated key, please contact our support team via our Discord server or Misty by the friend list on the right side.

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    7 lat temu

    Hi there,
    we are aware that it was a popular way to get rewards through our application, that is why we have recently started our own giveaways. You can already discover them by clicking "Collect the rewards" -> "Giveaway".
    If you have any questions, I am your guy! 😉

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    7 lat temu

    Hi there, to be clear, I'm not the Gamehag's founder :) I'm the Community Manager for the French and international version of our application. Although I will not write about the event mentionned above, I will try to clarify some things listed by Kabash.

    1. The chests are certainly not rigged. Please bear in mind that the chests are cheaper than the reward itself. You may or you may not get the reward you want, this is the same thing for any chest in any application. If you want to be sure you will get the game you wish to have, please consider to keep some Soul Gems for you reward. Also, remember that the codes you got from any third-party partner where totally for free and you did not have to spend anything, even the points you got.
    2. The delays is a thing we are working on unceasingly. We want to provide any reward as soon as possible - we are still optimizing our cooperation with our partners in order to keep up with sending you the codes. Bear in mind that the rewards are usually sent within 10 minutes to 72 hours. Some of them are delayed as we were currently out of stock (we always try to disable the unavailable rewards asap) or because we have to verify the orderer's account closer. If it happens that your reward has a considerably big delay, always try to reach our support. We are here to help you guys!
    3. We do know that the task refusal may be a bit confusing, that is why we recommend to read the FAQ first if such event happens. However, even if a task is rejected, you can still contact Misty. There is no such option that a task which was completed correctly will stay refused.
    4. Our support team is working hard to help everyone. We have created our own Discord server as we have seen, that this support method is really appreciated by you, guys. There was certainly no such need to have any third-party person doing their work, although we care about any help provided by our users - yes, Steamburner, I am writing to you :) I will always read your feedback, so if there is any issue you have with our support you can always reach me :)
    5. All the codes we generate have a limited availability. However, any report of this kind always resulted in extending the code's lifetime. We have started recently our own giveaway system which does not have such issues and everything is officialy supported by our team.
    6. Each country is treated by us individually and we always try to provide as much of possibilites to get Soul Gems as we can.
    7. This is an issue I have already wrote about in an other thread. We have received various reports about duplicated game codes and we are aware of this problem. Anyone who wrote to us and provided a valid proof received a refund. We do apologize for this inconvienience and I can assure you we will choose our providers more carefuly :)

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    7 lat temu

    Cześć Wam! Czy nie łączyliście już wcześniej swoich kont Steam z naszym serwisem? Jeśli tak było, to należy użyć konta połaczonego już uprzedniego z Gamehagiem by wykonać owe zadanie.

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    Skomentował temat Cieszmy się i radujmy!.
    7 lat temu

    Pamiętajcie proszę, że niektóre konta wymagają dalszej weryfikacji. Zazwyczaj nagrody wysyłane są w przeciągu od 10 minut do 3 dni od czasu ich zamówienia, aczkolwiek robimy co możemy, by usprawnić nasz system weryfikacyjny :)

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    Zdobycie 6 poziomu
    7 lat temu
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    Skomentował temat Gamehag.
    7 lat temu

    Jeśli jesteście zalogowani na koncie to odpowiedź zawsze przyjdzie od Misty, gdyż jest ona wtedy wysyłana do niej automatycznie. Zalecam sprawdzić, czy tego nie zrobiła :)

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