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    Opis gry Uncharted Waters Online

    Uncharted Waters Online can be considered as a sequel of Uncharted Waters and Uncharted Waters II: New Horizons which were released back in 90s on SNES. In fact, Uncharted Waters Online is a sandbox MMORPG set in the Age of Exploration (15th and 17th centuries), where we’ll be playing as a captain, trading goods and explore the uncharted territory. Even if the looks of the characters are telling us so, the game has been set in a known world, in the Pre-Columbian Europe, where we can in fact choose our home country among the England, the Spain, the Portugal, the France, the Netherlands and the Venice. Then, we choose our character's class – and the possibilities are so many, that it is difficult to mention them all! Just imagine, that each of the main classes which are Adventurer-type, Trade-type and Battle-type, are subdivided into much more subclasses! It depends only of you, which of them is the one you’ll want to play as. The graphics may seem outdated, as the game came out in 2004, but it does not interfere with our gameplay and the game, even today, has lots of supporters. Put yourself into the skin of the famous explorers; gradually increase your commercial empire and dive into the world of exploration. Take part in the new, great discoveries. Join Uncharted Waters Online today!

    698 osób gra Uncharted Waters Online

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