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    Rate this article "Skyrim is not just a game."

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    Noutbraz, 19 december 2018 22:23

    Skyrim is not just a game.

    Skyrim is a huge, beautiful world, where you want to return again and again. It is impossible not to fall in love. For me, this is the most amazing game in the RPG genre, where you can enjoy authentic living hand in hand with your hero. Numerous tasks, interesting quests, endless spaces and much more, all this awaits us in the mysterious and unexplored world of Skyrim!


    The game begins with the fact that our hero is taken to the penalty, during which we choose a race for him, we model his face and body, we choose a couple of initial skills. Then we are saved and we are immediately drawn into the whirlpool of events. From the very first frames of the game it is clear that the developers have tried their best - the world of Skyrim is amazingly beautiful - the trees, the sky, the earth, the grass, the mountains, the glare of the sun - everything is as real and very beautiful. This is immediately apparent. And if you put a bunch of mods on modern computers, then you can achieve unprecedented realism, seen in commercials, very beautiful. The seriousness of the game is also striking, this is a real action - everything is serious here: serious opponents, serious quests. So, you escaped from the execution, left the cave and you should go along the main quest, to the village of Riverwood, otherwise anyone would easily kill you. Then you go to the city of Whiterun, and then you yourself will figure out what to do and what to do next.

    Hero's life

    In Skyrim, you can do anything, do anything, here is an incomplete list of cases. Engage in super-heroic affairs: to hunt dragons, save the world, save the world from the walking dead, save the poor peasants from evil goblins, clean the caves and castles from thugs and monsters, decide the outcome of the civil war; to engage in self-education: to spend many months at the forging machines, alchemical tables, self-healing with or without waving a sword here and there, walking on tiptoes, hacking houses; to engage in research activities: to study the ancient crypts, to investigate the behavior of ancient extinct creatures - the Dwemer, to solve puzzles, to study the dragon language. 
    Do housework, pick up furniture for their homes, replenish cabinets with trophies. Start a family: it is advisable to marry Isolde from Weitran, because ... I feel sorry for the girl, lives in a troubled country, and no one gets married; whine with witches; turn into a werewolf and scare everyone with their appearance; be friends with other cool guys, give them super-fancy guns and armor; visit the rides: "fall into the pit and find a way out", "a mysterious, labored maze", "become a vampire for a couple of days", "find a mammoth frozen on ice", "catch Mike Liar".
    Get aesthetic pleasure from: the beauty of nature, the menu of skills, the interior decoration of houses, palaces, caves, inside of which sunlight penetrates, from relaxing music and much more. And in general it is difficult to describe in words everything that happens in Skyrim from a purely aesthetic point of view. Birches, drifts, frosty rivers and snowstorms! In a raging mountain river, you can fish while the bear is on the other bank! To hunt elks and wolves, sew clothes from hides and eat exclusively pasture. In general, Skyrim is a permanent choice, the game does not limit freedom in any way, all dungeons, all cities, all locations are open immediately and will remain so until the end of the game. She often plays herself: dragons randomly attack cities, huge mammoths and forest giants protect their possessions, and the townspeople quite convincingly depict life.
    The Radiant Quest system helps to build an interesting story around the “living” world. If you are brought into some kind of important cave in which you “accidentally” find an artifact written in the script, the game will adequately respond to this and slightly adjust the storyline. Moreover, special mechanisms generate their own stories! This is in addition to the millions of activities prescribed by the developers.


    The quests in the game are countless and for every taste, they are very interesting and can be found anywhere in the world. Skyrim is very lively. One does not want to leave it, it is a pleasure to play it - the control is simple, the interface is convenient and, most importantly, amazing graphics. Luxurious game. I have for a long time considered this game to be special, for many years she gave me pleasant sensations, just magic, even became part of communication with my girlfriend, which helped us to be together, once.

    Rate this article Skyrim is not just a game.

    (4.47/5) 19 rates


    Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.

    1 may 2020 09:10

    Thanks for the review. Now i got adequate knowledge about the game that i can decide whether to get it or not.

    21 december 2018 14:11

    not bad man

    20 december 2018 08:09

    Leave some space between paragraphs abd pictures next time. Other than that decent article :)

    20 december 2018 06:45

    well spacing between lines or paragraphs like @abdullah_arshad said

    20 december 2018 14:03

    spacing between lines or paragraphs like @abdullah_arshad and @jonsson_john said

    20 december 2018 19:57

    looks pretty good

    20 december 2018 13:41

    woW NICE artilce

    21 december 2018 07:56

    Honestly, no comment. I litteraly wrote an article about Skyrim and was gonna upload it. Well, guess it's gonna have to wait for some time

    21 december 2018 08:41

    Looks nice

    21 december 2018 07:49