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    DmanHUN, 20 december 2018 13:39

    Overwatch - How to play Pharah

    Pharah, a vertically mobile DPS hero, capable of some of the highest damage output in the game
    Let's see how you can master her..

    About Pharah:

    She is all about mobility, and damage.

    She has 200 Health, and he is in the Damage role.


    Her ult, Barrage:

    • It has a damage of 40 per rockets
    • She cannot move while the ability is active, but she can turn
    • When activated she shoots around 30 rockets per second
    • It has a duration of 30 seconds
    • If the ability is used mid-air, she will stay in the air
    • Ammunition is restored after using her ult
    Now her main weapon, the Rocket Launcher:

    • It has a damage of 120 if enemy is hit directly
    • 15 to 65 Splash damage
    • The explosion has a 3 meter radius
    • It shoots 1 rocket per every second (0.75 seconds to be exact)
    • Reload time is 1 second
    Now her main mobility ability, the Jump Jet:
    (I Couldn't find any good pictures for this, hope its not a problem)
    • It has a cooldown of 10 seconds
    • It launches her about 20 meters in the sky when activated
    Now my favorite ability of her's, the Concussive Blast:

    • It does no damage, only knockback
    • It has a 9 second cooldown
    • Also knocks back Pharah, so it can be used for mobility
    • Mostly deals horizontal knockback, but it can push vertically too, but not as effective
    Now the Hover Jets:

    • Activated by holding jump (by default: Space Bar) button while in the air
    • Allows her to gain height when held the jump button
    • Tapping the jump button allows her to remain at the same height
    • It recharges when its not used
    • It takes 2 seconds to fully recharge
    Some tips for Pharah players:

    On some maps, she is really useful with her Concussive Blast, she also counters Junkrat. Pharah and Widowmaker don't really like each other in the game, if there's an enemy Widowmaker and you are playing as Pharah, you better just switch off her, if you can't kill/counter Widowmaker. Before ulting you should shoot a rocket, so you can deal more damage. And don't go on your own adventures, stay with the team, callout the enemies and capture the point or push the payload! After all, you are the eyes in the skies.

    My thoughts on her:

    I have around 20+ hours played with her, when I first started playing overwatch she was my first main. She was easy to use, easy ability and it was just a great starting hero. I barely played any competitive with her, but when I did we actually won a lot in the lower ranks (the higher ranks weren't so successful). Anyways I think she is a great starting hero and a lot of fun to play with.

    Thanks for reading my article, I hope you learned something useful while reading this, have a great day!

    Rate this article Overwatch - How to play Pharah

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    Pharah is one of the best attacker characters in the game when a Mercy player sticks to her.

    25 september 2021 11:10

    Very good

    21 december 2018 16:40

    This good

    21 december 2018 10:26

    Pretty short and not a lot of info. But approved.

    20 december 2018 19:44

    i love playing parah

    20 january 2019 18:29

    Thanx for info about overwatch

    21 december 2018 07:48