5 лет назад
So it looks Nintendo is finally back at it when it comes to their game roster.
This past couple of years have been incredibly wonderful for the Nintendo Switch , and now Nintendo is coming on strong with a revival of one of the coolest adaptations of a Pokemon game they've released to date in my opinion!
In this article i'm going to talk briefly about the original Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, as well as touch a bit on the memories of them. After that ill be talking about the revival of the game with the new upcoming Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Rescue Team Dx.
Red And Blue Rescue Team were initially released in Japan around one year before the American release . However my experience has been with the American versions and so the focus will be there.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : RED AND BLUE RESCUE TEAM
On September 18th, 2006, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red And Blue rescue Team, were released to the American world .
It also happened to be a Monday...
We all know about Monday's , the weekly grind is back on , even for the little's . School, work, you know the drill right? This particularly day though, this day was different, this was the day that I was about to venture into a whole new dimension inside of a little screen box with buttons, as a Pokemon.
In a world lost to me, full of trouble to be discovered, and long journeys to be had I was ready to jump into a brand new experience with my GameBoy Advance as Cyndaquil , a shy but fierce fire Pokemon with a little round body and a thin set of eyes. This was bound to be earth-shattering for a young boy my age...
...So here we were, in a suspicious place, another Pokemon wakes me up. Dazed , I ask many questions, who are you? why can I understand you? you're saying i'm a Pokemon?! Woah wait I'm actually a Pokemon?! How do I get back? I was in the middle of things! I have a life! Can you help me? And the journey began . Off into a little town unbeknownst to most there lived a beautiful community full of energy... full of life...full of...Pokemon. As more questions were asked, and more Pokemon were met, I found myself entranced in the comings and goings of this little town , and in the problems that the TownsPoke' were dealing with. Time after time as I moved throughout this vibrant and colourful landscape , id discover Mon after Mon in need of assistance, or willing to lend a hand. Some would become a part of this story into the darkness for some time, but most... most would hope for a hero to do the journeying, and so we did.
Cave after cave, battle after battle, traversing floor after floor, stepping stair after stair. The challenge was never easy, always full of surprises, and plenty of berries too. We became strong in those dungeons, nobody will ever truly know the extent we had to endure in order to save that town, nobody will ever know how much we evolved as Pokemon along our path...Nobody, will ever quite understand just what us Pokemon went through, other than those who lived the tale, and fainted telling it .
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red And Blue Rescue Team absolutely hit the mark head on for me as a kid, the graphics at the time were fair, and the gameplay was fine and pretty engaging. The story though, the story is what I always feel nostalgia for whenever I think back to this game. That , and the graphical style , rather than the actual quality of the graphics, were for me, absolutely perfect. I loved this game on another level when it came out, and I played it for months after trying to complete all the extras and bonuses after the main story line. Unfortunately I couldn't finish it before getting tired of how repetitive it got after the second month or so, no harm here though , as that's natural for a majority of games, and even than 2 months of consistent and addictive playtime is a lot .
so of course this brings me to the real topic at hand.
This year, January 9th, 2020 , Pokemon mystery Dungeon : Rescue team dx was announced to be releasing for the Nintendo Switch Gaming Console.
The game is set to be released March 6th, 2020, and so far its looking decent , they've upped the graphics of the game and it looks as though they've recreated it entirely from scratch, perhaps with a similar story line to the original games, however I haven't had a chance to look into the details of it too deeply yet. Overall though, it seems its shaping up to be a pretty great addition and/or revival... But is it?
We all know how remakes or reintroductions can go , especially when it comes to new platforms , new features in game, new players, and new types of games trending in the market. So is this game going to be able to compete? Does it look like it has a good chance of being a top game of the year or at least a game that sells enough to earn some DLC? I personally can't say, but I can say that I think based on the footage thus far the evidence shows that they've done some good work here, and I look very forward to giving it a go when it releases.
My Hopes, Concerns
Initially when I heard about this games release I was incredibly reluctant to even take a peek at the trailer. I can't say whether that was due to my personal level of engagement with games overall as of late, or if the sound of the game just threw me sideways and made me think "Um Wow, im kind of pumped i think, but do we need this? is it the right time? have they done enough, or will they be able to do enough, to satisfy the original players, while also finding a new audience in the younger generations? I sure hope so, and im concerned as well, because sometimes these types of things just don't go over well at all. On the upside, its Nintendo right? Its Pokemon, how often can you actually think of a time where they flopped? Other than that one mobile app that probably didn't even flop, but rather it flopped for me. Not Pokemon Go, the other one where the Pokemon are cube shaped or whatever... Anyhow, I have concerns they might miss the mark with regards to fresh ideas and features overall, while im equally hopeful that they're going to add just that, and than some...this game has huge potential for me personally, and for the market as well, lets hope they bring us something we didn't know we needed!
Quick Close
I feel often times we get so worried about remakes and recreations , but I think its only fair. These games very often hold deep places within our childhood hearts, and to have that memory watered down by a recreation that doesn't quite reach the bar can be heartbreaking in a weird way, but I think its important that we give credit where its due. Pokemon has been a franchise for years. They aren't going anywhere, and chances are, this game will be absolute FIRE!
Im very hopeful and confident that Nintendo will pull through for this game, and I can't wait to play it and see how everybody else feels on its release, thanks for reading everybody, and hopefully you enjoyed my first article.