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    Описание игры Grand Fantasia

    Grand Fantasia is a free downloadable massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) launched by the Aeria Games company, the developers who worked among others for the famous WoW or Shaiya MMOs, set in a very extensive and painstaking fantasy world, with very colorful and cheerful graphics of an manga and anime style, with a very relaxing and quiet music that will delight the players during their gameplay.

    The first thing we must do is creating our character, for which we will have a great variety of options, as well as for the Sprites, which are the pets which will accompany us from the beginning throughout our adventure and who will help us to collect materials as well as create powerful weapons and armor.

    In this great fantastic adventure we will incarnate a messenger of the Sprites with the aim of restoring the peace broken by the forces of darkness. The development of our character is one of the best aspects of the game thanks to its great variety, we will start as a rookie and from level 5 we can choose between four different class: Fighter, Hunter, Acolyte or Spellcaster, each of them having their own characteristics with their strengths and weaknesses, the Fighters are originally from the city of Kaslow and are known for their enormous strength and power and can use a variety of weapons; the Hunters came from the city of Jale and are masters of the ranged attacks and can use swords, bows as well as firearms; the Acolytes came from the city of Ilya and are powerful healers who possess the power to heal players who have been on the verge of death and even resuscitate them after death, and finally the Spellcasterss from provinces of Ilya dominate the power of the Magic. As we acquire a higher level our character will evolve further, at level 15 for example the Fighter will become Warrior, as well as the Hunter an Archer, the Acolyte a Priest and the Spellcasters will become Mages, once we reach level 30 each class will be diversified into two different ones, reaching up to eight different classes in total, so the Warrior will become either a Paladin or a Berserker, the Archer an Assassin or a Ranger, the Priest a Cleric or a Sage and the Magicians will become Necromancers or Wizards and at level 65 we will evolve further and so on until level 85.

    The game is very extensive with a huge map in which we will have many missions to ensure hours of gameplay and fun with many various interactions with other players, we can fight with other players in PvP matches, on battlefields by teams of 15 against 15 but there are not only the fights, we will also have the possibility of making friends and even having romantic relationships with other users. The game also allows you to buy valuable objects with real money but you can play without spending anything, in the main cities you can find auction houses that are best place to sell items, players have at their disposal a central platform to see all the auctions.

    Join this wonderful fantasy world now and play Grand Fantasia!

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    5 november 2021 10:10

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    5 november 2021 10:10