Grab millions of Soul Gems as a gift!
We’ve just reached 5M registered users on Gamehag! We just can’t believe that there are so many of you! We want to thank you for being with us and celebrate by giving you free, special chests, which includes in total 5 000 000 Soul Gems! Apart from SG you can also grab lots of attractive rewards, prepared specially for this occasion.
The longer - the better
Interesting fact - the longer you’re with us, the more Soul Gems you have a chance to win! If you created your account:
less than a year ago - you have a chance to win even 1 000 000 SG and guaranteed surprise reward!
between a one and two years ago - you have a chance to win even 1 500 000 SG and guaranteed Premium Steam Key!
more than three years ago - you have a chance to win even 2 500 000 SG and guaranteed Premium Steam Key!
So don’t hesitate! Collect 2000 SG and enjoy the reward of a minimal value of 2299 SG. We can assure you, you won’t be disappointed by these rewards:
2 500 000 SG
1 500 000 SG
1 000 000 SG
Red Dead Redemption 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Mortal Kombat 11
Grand Theft Auto V
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Siege
Metro Exodus
How long are you with us on Gamehag? We’re curious if there are still users who have an account for years! Show yourself!
não comprem baús, desperdicei um monte de soul gems com isso e to triste
burros nao aceitam a porra do print pela segunda vez. bela merda . support = -
chests? maior rip off da historia.
Mais vale fazer só um chest pra random keys e runas. só sai essa merda (30+ chests abertos sempre o mesmo, ja tive que tirar o som nojento que faz sempre que rodas, farto de ouvir aquilo) .
Aposto que + de metade dos tops são perfis falsos. não dá pra ganhar SG quase nenhumas nisto. lol de plataforma.
ja completei uma daqualas pesquisas que me daria 600 Ga mas quando chega no final eu n ganho nada eu quero as minhas ) :(
Eita carai, nunca mais reclamo que só vem random key nesses baú. Acabou de dropar The Witcher III no baú mensal, tou feliz pra caray bixo. Nunca mais dou uma sorte dessas. Agora só falta um pc pra rodar o game.