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    Como funciona

    Sobre o jogo Razdor

    Razdor - is free browser based RPG which was created in 2010 and still attracts a huge number of players since the developers created a wonderful world with magical creatures and atmospheric events take place. The game itself is based on a conflict between two parties: people who collaborate with gnomes and orcs who have an alliance with elves. The first side inhabits the steppe peninsula, and the second occupies a dark forest with terrible monsters. In Razdor there are a large number of wonderful locations and buildings where you can get the necessary resources for crafting equipment and items that just can be handy while the traveling. Of course, in order to get them, you will have to fight in the massive battles or dueling, for example, PVP against players. In addition to battles in the game, other entertainment options are available: you can fish, chop wood, or engage in trade. There are plenty opportunities worth of explorations. Do not wait, the world of Razdor is waiting!

    14537 os usuários estão a jogar Razdor

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    Opiniões sobre Razdor

    um jogo igual aos demais jogos iguais a esse, rapida e direta

    30 november 2020 14:43

    Prémios por Razdor

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    Artigos sobre Razdor

    Este jogo não tem nenhum artigo.

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    E que por escrever sozinho um artigo, podes conseguir até 250Soulstone?

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    Fórum Раздор

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    Últimos comentários

    um jogo igual aos demais jogos iguais a esse, rapida e direta

    30 november 2020 14:43