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    Como funciona

    Sobre o jogo Dead Frontier

    Dead Frontier is a free-to-play MMORPG with aerial 3D view which takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, in a fictional city of Fairview which was infested with zombies.

    As being a co-op game, the survivors can go alone or with allies to fight the hordes of zombies, fight against other players in PvP mode, look for food, medicines, ammunition etc. Join one of the five posts defended by other players - a safe place to live in, negotiate and interact with other survivors. You can also enter abandoned buildings, claim them and purge to create your own, personal post. In the city, you have to move by foot, as the developers did not want to include and vehicles so the players would be more attentive to the zombie threat while moving through buildings and streets - this is why you always have to be properly prepared by having various weapons and an armor!

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