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    Sobre o jogo Berserk: The Cataclysm

    Berserk: The Cataclysm is a browser card game made by Russian studio called Bytex.
    The game is an amazing fun for every deck collector, the creators prepared for us up to 600 card units with beautiful graphics.

    In this game, set in an universe of fantasy, we’ll play as a mage fighting for the rule in the Laar’s world. The way he’ll create his magical Empire, is a gradual conquest of bigger and bigger areas.

    The game will please not only the PvP, but also the AI fans, since the two game modes have been made with the same care.

    If you’re looking for a variant for the client card games, this game is for you.

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    Opiniões sobre Berserk: The Cataclysm

    ROBLOX's inventory was publicly viewable until c. March 5th, 2015, after which it went private and became unable to be viewed by regular users. ROBLOX's most recently published hats can still be viewed through the "collections" showcase on its profile, however. The private inventory feature was made

    16 april 2021 16:38

    Prémios por Berserk: The Cataclysm

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    ROBLOX's inventory was publicly viewable until c. March 5th, 2015, after which it went private and became unable to be viewed by regular users. ROBLOX's most recently published hats can still be viewed through the "collections" showcase on its profile, however. The private inventory feature was made

    16 april 2021 16:38