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    Commented Star Conflict.
    7 years ago

    Слева сверху ведь видно ник, почему не одобряете? Оружие прокачано

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    Commented Star Conflict.
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    Снова отправляю скриншот, надеюсь хоть в этот раз одобрите

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    Commented Star Conflict.
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    Почему не зачли задание? Я ведь выполнил его


    Recently played

    Star Conflict

    Star Conflict is a MMO game that is an incredibly extended space simulation. As in all games of this type, we can choose to play alone and carry out the missions or to play in a team where the cooperation is one of the most important features! The part of creating our character is a very interesting aspect of this game. So, ther...

    Life is Feudal

    Life is Feudal is a new sandbox MMORPG created by Bitbox studio. Unlike in many other MMORPG, there are no fantasy or supernatural elements, but the whole game focuses on fictional medieval times. The action takes place in a huge area rich of resources and dangers. As a player, you'll have one main goal - you'll have to survive,...

    King Stars

    The masters of the universe is a browser-based MMO real-time strategy localized, as the name implies, in space. You get your own planet under control. From its resources you can use metal and fuel for power plants, although there is also an "ecological" type of energy - solar. The third resource is dietary, one of two isotopes o...

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