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    6 years ago

    Blind Wizard

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    Saint Chamond



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    Commented Skyforge.
    6 years ago

    Et voilà, les 3 tâches Skyforge réalisées aujourd'hui sans forcer. Ca doit prendre peut être une heure, voire moins. J'ai joué plus que ça, parce que je me suis laissé entrainer ;-)

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    completed a quest from Skyforge.
    6 years ago
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    6 years ago
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    Reached 4 level
    6 years ago
    Mephis badge
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    Commented Skyforge.
    6 years ago

    Plutôt sympa comme jeu, mais peut être un peu trop facile. On ne craint pas la mort puisqu'on est immortel et on se régénère très vite en cas de blessures. Mais c'est amusant et plutôt joli.

    Mephis badge
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    completed a quest from Skyforge.
    6 years ago
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    Reached 3 level
    6 years ago
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    completed a quest from Skyforge.
    6 years ago
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    Reached 2 level
    6 years ago


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    ArcheAge is a MMO action game set in a fantastic world created by a famous Korean writer, which is overwhelmed by a conflict between two major factions – the inhabitants of the Nuia continent, and those from Harihara. West and east: the west being inhabited by the Nuians (the Human) and the Elves, a race characterized by t...


    Are you tired of all those great, but repetitive MMORPGs that you can find everywhere? Skyforge tries to remedy those issues! This free-to-play science-fiction MMO was shaped with the hands of Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment. The first one being the creators of Allods Online and the second one of one of the greatest cRPGs...

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