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    3 years ago


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    A user and jairchckso320 are friends now
    4 years ago
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    BlackDeath_YT12 avatar
    Commented subject Te gusto esta temporada?.
    4 years ago

    me gusto mas la nueva temporada es la mejor

    BlackDeath_YT12 badge
    BlackDeath_YT12 avatar
    Commented subject cuantos robux has ganado :v.
    4 years ago

    yo eh ganado 13329439542875482587346848768427368438647864767436735764786853876538763876238762387656526565652896565287563287235687635287623872635870 no xd 450 eh ganado xdxd

    BlackDeath_YT12 badge
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    Commented subject adop me o arsenal.
    4 years ago

    quiero mas adopt me

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    Commented subject que juego juegas mas?.
    4 years ago

    adopt me juego masss

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    Reached 2 level
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    BlackDeath_YT12 avatar
    4 years ago

    yo tengo 8 o 9 ;c

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    BlackDeath_YT12 avatar
    4 years ago

    yo 8 o 9 creo

    BlackDeath_YT12 badge
    BlackDeath_YT12 avatar
    4 years ago

    lo que no me gusta de adopt me son las estafas eso es lo que no me gusta

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    A user and MariaKop are friends now
    4 years ago


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