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    Rate this article "Why Fall Guys Will Not Be Long Lived"

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    Emrerirator, 16 august 2020 12:27

    Why Fall Guys Will Not Be Long Lived

    I am pretty sure many of you have heard the game called Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. The game is published in February but it seems to be catching people's attention these days. It is at its peak right now and increasing in players daily. However I don't think this game will be long lived even though it is getting a great interaction on Twitch and Youtube as we speak. Let me tell you why I don't think this game will be long lived.

    The Twitch Effect:

    Let's briefly talk about why the game got a good growth wave first. I see Twitch as the major reason of this game's growth. The procedure works like following. A fun looking game comes out, few streamers find out about the game and play it. New and cool looking games always catch attention and as the game climbs the discover page, more and more streamers play the game like we also see with the game Among Us these days. With this cycle Fall Guys catched a good upswing but it is just a matter of time to face the real fall.

    Some Similar Party Games:

    Even Fall Guys sometimes mentioned as a Battle Royale game, I categorize it as a full Party Game. And I think it as a game like Gang Beasts or Party Panic. Let's try to remember the attention curve of these two games. When Gang Beasts was at its peak streamers were gathering up and playing the game together for the entire stream but after content dried out, Gang Beasts tried to back the game up with the updates but it was not enough to avoid the inevitable fall. It lost the viewers dramatically and lost its hype.

    If we consider the Party Panic case, I see that game as a longer running game. It was probably not successful as Gang Beasts but why did it run longer then ? The answer is diversity. Party Panic included many different minigames with different and unique mechanics. Not being stuck on a single play style made the game fun for more players. But in the end the content it offers also dried out as a fate of the party games.

    What Will Be Added to Fall Guys ?

    Unfortunately, Fall Guys is a game more like Gang Beasts. You try to get over the obstacles and throw others out. So their formula only supports few things like adding new maps or maybe adding new obstacles. Now try to picture a community who is bored from all the maps being played. When you introduce few new mechanics, they might get a little excited but the fact that they have to play every other map and obstacle they are hating by now will not help the game. I definitely expect the new map approach from the game developers but will it help ? The fact that controls of the game is so limited they won't be able to bring much new things to the table. So I don't see players playing the new map happily when new map is just the similar obstacles in a different order and colors.


    As party game fate requires, I see Fall Guys will be joining its ancestors pretty soon. I expect this game to be at its peak in 1.5 - 2 months and at the end of 2020 or maybe early 2021 this game will be at the same level with the other party games on Steam.

    Rate this article Why Fall Guys Will Not Be Long Lived

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    Fall guys idk what say about it cuz i never play it but sees really fun and well idk i just want play it but now among us is more popular idk what happen to that game F for fall guys

    8 september 2021 21:32

    i love this game i will rate this 100% i love it! but now its not that popular like it was before among us i dont know, why people like among us for me its boring and not worth time game fall guys is better my opinion.

    3 october 2020 11:47

    fall guys became unpopular in such a short amount of time, luckily i didn't buy the game

    6 april 2021 14:17

    very successful until among us got very popular in some time now and i think among us lived longer than fall guys.

    4 november 2020 05:04

    It's horrible to see a such a unique game with a slew of hackers, but besides that it's a great game. To see a battle royale without guns and with such vibrant colors as this is defintiely 1 in a million.

    27 september 2020 07:02

    Among us became popular so fast after fall guys so all the players jumped to the Among us train which is pretty unfortunate because fall guys is a good game

    2 november 2020 13:50

    among us completely wiped off fall guys of the leader board :(

    27 november 2020 16:24

    I actually agree with your prediction. Fall Guys is a game that has a playerbase being boosted by influencers which means the game will experience periods of low traffic when no streamers are playing it. Also the concept of the game is nice but the lack of depth makes it hard to sell in the long run, so my prediction is pretty similar to yours.

    25 september 2020 08:41

    to be honest lads i don't think that fall guys was the greatest like it was fun for a bit but then the maps got repetetive and boring like if they had added a little bit more rng than maybe it would've still lived.

    2 february 2021 10:23

    Why all people said this game is good? playing it in an hour then i refund it... really-really bad game, to expensive.

    30 september 2020 20:11