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    Rate this article "Vito “kNg” Giuseppe out of Immortals"

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    MoonRey, 25 september 2017 20:22

    Vito “kNg” Giuseppe out of Immortals

    The player Vito "kNg" Giuseppe, Immortals, was expelled from the team after disobeying superior orders.

    The player was expelled after entering a tournament without authorization to play, according to he was to help his teammates. Even with high ping he decided to enter and had as punishment the expulsion of the team. His teammates Lucas "Lucas1" Teles and Henrique "hen1" Teles left the team after discovering what happened, news confirmed by ESPN eSports, and there is doubt, how Immortals will recover from that exit? We hope for more news soon.
    According to ESPN Brazil and HLTV.org, the desire of the trio to leave is motivated by problems classified as "very bad" with the other team members and with coach Rafael "zakk" Fernandes. These problems were not specified.
    According to portals, the owner of Immortals, Noah Whinston, made it clear that cyber-athletes can only leave if they can get organizations to pay their termination fines.
    The path to be taken by kNg, Lucas1 and Hen1 is still uncertain. But there are some rumors behind the scenes that the 3 players are likely to join Lincoln player "fnx" Lau, former Immortals player since May, to start a new team.
    If Immortals gets rid of most of the line-up, they will lose the spot in the next major CS: GO. Another problem to be faced by the American organization is that the deadline for registration of the ESL Pro League is this Friday (18), with the teams participating in the league being able to exchange only two cyber-athletes afterwards.


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