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    Bonhomie1520, 27 january 2019 10:08

    Vainglory Review

    Vainglory is a MOBA game that develop by Super Evil Megacorp. This game have nice graphic and addictive. It was the most popular MOBA game on 2016.

    Home Page: After you login or register you will directly to home page. In home page that have other page for you to view state of your self, your bag, shop, party with friend, or chat with your friend.

    Match Making:
    Every time you start the match you must wait for match making to place to you with other player. The matching time will be depaint on which mode do you choose. The match maker will select you with random player on the world. The random player select of match maker can be avoid by play in your party.

    Map and modeThis game have 2 map, one for 3v3, Aral, Blitz and one for 5v5 mode. The role in this game have 3 role.

    • Jungle: melee hero
    • Lane: rage hero
    • Captain: team help or melee hero
    Vainglory have 5 mode include event. It have 5V5 mode, 3V3 mode, Aral mode, and Blitz mode. Every event happen after the other event ended. In the mode 3v3  you and your ally will face with 3 enemy that different or similar to your hero that you are choose. In the middle of the fight time there will be a creature that can capture by your team or enemy team. The creature will be capture for the last hit. Ex: You fight with Krakan in the last hit your enemy hit it, the Krakan will belong to your enemy. In the mode 5v5 you and your ally will face with 5 enemy. This mode have two creature (Black-claw and Ghost-wing). In Aral mode you and 3 ally will be select hero random by the system. In this mode you can play only on lane. In Blitz mode the time is short for your team and enemy team. You need to get point from kill enemy, gold mine, Crystal Sentry, or destroy your enemy torrent. 

    For the first time you enter the game it will give you to complete tutorials. For the first tutorial give you a hero and second give you item or hero. Like you see in game give you some ice too. Kill your enemy use skill if you build the blue item and normal attack when you build the red item. Support usually build  yellow item for help member in team with the blue one give support to hit enemy deal more damage but if the hero is a healer hero like Lyra this will make her skill (A skill will not heal ally hero a lot). For the melee support hero it seem to be useless. but the red item will deal a lot of damage to other hero. If you are a rage hero usually take out by jungle hero but if support hero near you it easy to take out the enemy hero back. But support in 3v3 and 5v5 casual mode usually build the red item and blue item except it the rank match.

    Shop is a place where you can buy item from. In shop there are different item for all hero to gear for damage defend support and boost. Each item will give different affect to hero. The red item give you base damage. The blue item give you skill damage. The yellow one give you defend. The purple item wear for addictive thing you need. The item in other tab is and additional item for game play.

    Goal: The goal is simple like other game too. You need to destroy enemy vain crystal. Vain crystal in 3v3 mode is defend by torrent and enemy minion, also sometime the player defend there crystal from other play that want to destroy it. Vain crystal in 5v5 mode can defend it self with it own power and protect by mini crystal that as it armor. You need to destroy every torrent on the lane to push the mini crystal and the vain crystal.
    Last word: This game is free to play you can get it in play store, app store and it have version for PC too. The PC version can get from the Vainglory page. Try the game one if you think it good to play and don't forget to rate me. Thank you

    Rate this article Vainglory Review

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    how many of these games are there?

    19 may 2020 19:05

    Nice Article!

    14 february 2019 09:33

    игра вижу классная

    6 september 2019 11:59

    Good job on the review

    2 february 2019 10:32

    is this game like mobile legends ,,?

    7 may 2019 00:54

    This one looks cool.

    28 may 2019 07:19

    Looks okay

    30 january 2019 08:02

    It's pretty good I did play the game and I read the whole article it would of taken a long time to make good job

    5 april 2019 10:44

    ill try it out

    31 january 2019 10:32

    Not bad, accepted

    27 january 2019 10:48