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    Chebo, 27 february 2018 20:15

    Unturned - Review

    This review is about a game known as Unturned. It's a free-to-play survival game with multiplayer.



    There are a few things you need to keep up in order to stay alive.
    Health -  The core meter that will drain if any other ones are down or you get hit, 0% results in death. It can be restored by having thirst and hunger nearly full or using various healing items such as medicine and bandages.
    Thirst - Drains over time and requires liquidy consumables in order to replenish
    Hunger - Drains over time and requires food
    Radiation - Radiation increases with every hit you take from a zombie or if you enter a deadzone (unless you use a gas mask)


    Loot can be found in landmark locations, possible loot includes crafting materials, food/water, weapons, ammo and weapon attachments. Weapons have durability. If the durability percentage is at 0%, it will function, but at low damage, and it only works with melee weapons. However, if it's a chainsaw or axe, you can still chop down trees with it. As for food and water, they too have durability by default. The lower the percentage, the less it restores. If it's under 50%, it will increase radiation.


    Combat is very simple in the game. Headshots deal more damage (even with melee) and you can sneak. When a zombie is hit, it gets staggered, leaving it basically dead already if you continue to attack. However, there are some stronger zombies. Crawlers are very fast and have low health, but it's nearly impossible to kill them with a melee without taking a hit, a silent weapon such as a bow is recommended at all times. Burning zombies are just like normal ones, but they have lower health and upon death, they burst in flames, making a player in range bleed. Spitter zombies are ranged and cover surfaces in radioactive spit, but you can outspeed them or just come up from behind. And finally, invisible zombies seem like normal zombies are first, but when you get their attention, they will turn into transparent phantoms, nearly invisible at night and turn visible right when they get in range. They manuever smarter than normal zombies.

    Safe Zones and Quests

    Some maps have Safe Zones with quests. Zombies don't spawn in them, and you can accept quests in them. With completed quests, you gain reputation and experience points. You can also buy and sell things using experience points, there is currently no real currency. Some quests involve a difficult boss, which spawns upon activation in the specified location.


    Building is a fairly optional element. There are 5 materials: Metal>Brick>Pine>Maple>Birch. You build by crafting the part you want in the crafting menu, and upon equipping, you can place it where you want.


    The crafting menu is all about scrapping weapons in order to obtain items and repair other ones. It also uses materials you find as loot.


    You gain experience by farming, killing and completing quests. You use points to buy or upgrade skills in the skills menu.


    There is currently no music in the game, aside from the main menu theme which plays in the menu and upon death.


    The graphics are fairly cartoony and blocky, although the terrain itself isn't blocky.

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