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    Rate this article "Tanki X review "

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    inferno_never_dies, 17 october 2018 17:29

    Tanki X review

    Hi, this article is all about Tanki x its feature and basic review. So enjoy reading and have fun trying it out if you want to.

    [this is a re-upload because it came to my knowledge that the pictures were not showing ]

    Tanki x is a free to play an online multi-player game. It is set in the future world. In which you fight people from all over the world as a tank in different modes and map. It differs greatly from its elder brother Tanki online. Tanki x is bigger, have great graphics and require a fairly good system to run. It is available on steam or you can download its client from its website directly.

    Tanki x has 3 modes of battle.
    Death match: in which the person who gets the most kills wins.
    Team Death match: the team that gets the most kills wins.
    Capture the flag: the team that captures the most flag wins.

    Tanki x has 12 playable maps in the game, for example, Area 159, Iran, Massacre etc. In custom games, their gravity can also be changed from earth to moon to mars to super earth and also the time of battle day to night.  so you will not get bored from seeing the same surroundings.

    Now the best parts. There are 11 turrets in the game (Turret: A low, flat armored gun emplacement, typically one that revolves) which different range melee, short, medium, long. There are 7 hulls in the game light, medium, heavy. The only main difference is in their armor and speed. But when combined with each other each hull and turret will feel different, so you would have to find your own playing styles by playing through all of them.

    Unlike Tanki online the only thing that can be upgraded are modules and skins trust me these are enough. There are many different skins and paints in the game some can make you stand out in the game while others can hide your appearance and making stealing flag a breeze. Anyway, you won’t have to worry about wearing the same thing twice.
    I was wrong this is the best part. Modules are the thing that makes Tanki x special. Some modules can make you invisible while some can make you invincible for a short period of time of course. They can give you a drone to help you attack or they can give you mine with legs like a spider hence called the spider mine that keeps following the enemy that goes by it and explodes when it reaches it. Only the craftiest ones can avoid it. 
    There are 11 modules for turrent and 11 modules for hulls, but only 6 can be used at a time. 3 for turrent and 3 for the hull. They can be upgraded to increase their parameters by using blue crystals, but they need to be unlocked first by using their blueprints. Blueprints can be obtained by buying the blueprint container from the store or by using x-crystals. But x-crystals are hard to get but can be bought with real money or you can get blueprints by getting a good score in the battle and get a battle container from those points so the more you play the more you get better and more powerful.

    Overall Tanki x is a fantastic game, it got 6/10 on steam and 3.8/5 MMOS.com 89% of Google users liked it. It was released in march/2018 but it beta test was open like a year ago, so those reviews may be for beta. So it can be said it is new. Personally, I would give it 7.5/10

    Hope you guys like the article some tips just put it in the comments or message me if you are rejecting it the reason will help me get better. Thanks for reading have a lag free life.
    Tip: you get free rewards for 14 days when starting the game so don’t waste those rewards they are much too valuable.

    few screenshot ;) hate to see them get wasted.

    Rate this article Tanki X review

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    "Hope you guys like the article some tips just put it in the comments or message me if you are rejecting it the reason will help me get better. Thanks for reading have a lag free life." you do not put this into an article. have you seen anythingl ike this in a newspaper or a wikipedia article? no.

    17 october 2018 17:48