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    Tiredrabbit, 11 february 2019 11:43

    Star Wars: Battlefront II

    I always have a question in my mind when it comes to playing with other franchises, especially if it's a great franchise like Star Wars.

    Even if the game is not a masterpiece of history, does the use of this name have the benefit of playing and even that franchise? And well after the closing of the Lucas Artis, Disney, who has previously failed completely in the game industry, decides to collaborate on expanding its life to all mediums, including games, and EA, a company with a high budget and superb advertising power, is a logical choice to It looks like The two giants of the entertainment world are aligned with the popularity of the Star Wars series, the Battlefront, in the first place, with half the popularity. Despite criticisms like the lack of fictional storytelling and superficial multiplayer, the extraordinary sales of the game make the second version of the game; where it's logical to have a more sophisticated game that drops the previous one and delivers the Star Wars title.
    Everything looks good on paper. The story is being worked out by the Motive Studio, which wants to narrate the rich story while connecting the old and the new trilogy. In front of DICE, where Battlefields have always been good for multiplayer gaming and are considered to be EA's worthless studios, so Battlefront multiplayer battleships are even more pivotal in the old Pandemic games, and DICE can experiment with their creative team. A decent multiplayer offers. But crush all of these paperwork, because the Battlefront is more turbulent than that.

    We start with a story that was supposed to deliver a different experience. With DICE games lacking in attractive and memorable tvs, the task of making such a part for a studio like Motive, a studio with new forces and specializing in creating single-player campaigns, attracted the attention of the project. But in general terms, and after completing the story, I can summarize Kleam's feelings that the game campaign is something like the "Call of Duty" weaker, like Ghost, and maybe even worse. Again, with the same story, we face evil and family disputes. Again, with the same music that John Williams does not miss a bit of its magnitude, it does not add anything to the story. Again, the same locations that we have seen and heard about Star Wars several times, are missing creations and ending missions.

    The storylines revolve around a new personage called Iden Versio. Aiden is a member of the Imperial Fire and is trying to save the dismembered Empire after the fall of the Second Death Star, so that where the general question arises, does the Empire work properly? Did not he choose the wrong frontier? These questions were simply paid, but they all are presented and released in a single second! simply! None of the created characters has a right to pay and no motive is known. No storyline is set for the game, and events go ahead without special order. I believe that 70% of the game missions in another work would probably have been a subordinate mandate, and this will diminish the importance of the progression of the campaign to the gamer. Why? Because the multiplayer map of this section is made and because of the time, there is no chance to create new environments, and with the use of the multiplier map, they have made the single-player segment! It's as if the single player unit is the same online with a number of artificial intelligence, just as DICE always does, and it's here with Motive.

    The problem is that these missions do not even have an exciting design. In the same Ghosts, I can easily take a few steps, if not the best, but sufficiently involved, to create a whole series of games in my mind. But the goals and progress that we see in the Battlefront 2 campaign against the masterpieces of these recent shooters like Wolfenstein II and Titanfall 2 are like talking about the greatness of the sun and the earth! Except for the two steps that appear at the end of the game, the missions are easy to "go there and kill how many people" or "defend from this point" (which is actually the first one, it does not only limit the number of enemies!) They do not divorce and there is no occurrence or a change in nature. There is no news of stapys or script events.

    Meanwhile, efforts to diversify are worthy of recognition, but the nature of this variety does not solve the problem. For example, a number of steps are taking place in the space battle, which in total forms the most exciting parts of the Battlefront 2, but the issue of the obsessiveness of these scenes and the same repetitive design of passion and ease these steps will be reduced. Or four steps in the role of heroes such as Luke Skywalker or Han Solo, but these chapters are designed to be so much fancier that they're upsetting the person, the problem that took the whole story, not just one or two steps. The difficulty of controlling the heroes is great, for example, Luke's laser sword is more like a shooter than a hack and slash with various combo, a problem that was in the original version and was not fixed.

    The difficulty of controlling the uselessness of the heroes in the multiplayer sector is also becoming a fundamental problem. Playing Heroes In one of the game modes, Heroes & Villains is an enjoyable and fantastic element in the struggle of various heroes of the ages and seeing fantasy encounters such as Ri and Darth Wadeer's controversy, or the battle of Luc and Darrell Mall, to become the worst! As far as I'd preferred, I would like to hire more popular shooters such as Buba Fetto to play at least better. Amongst the remaining Battlefront 2s, either Starfighter Assault or space battles may be the only fashionable game that has less design problems, where two 10-10 teams face the challenge of attack-defense. The Blast mode, or Team Deathmatch, is also over-built, and the other modes, Galactic Assault, and its smaller version of Strike, are essentially the same mission-oriented structure, in which several missions are given to both teams, missions such as defending a point and Or attacking it, moving information and such routine missions that we've never seen in games like Battlefield, but with much better quality.

    But all these modalities inherently suffer from a number of problems that have lowered the values of the multi-party segment. One is the balance of things; things like the return of the game, the losing team, or unpredictable and dramatic events happen very little, and I could easily guess the winner from the very first two minutes. Secondly, the use of special units such as heroes is not only difficult, but also extremely disappointing. Let me outline the process of choosing a champion: Every action you take in a match will have points for you, when this score reaches the desired level, the ability to use warfare opens like starfighter or champions.

    The problem is that the amount of points needed to get a hero is so high that it is unlikely that the downplayed players have the opportunity to use them. Worse, when it comes to it, it's likely that better players will pick that character and lock it; and so if you can pick your favorite hero, it's hard and hard to control! On the other hand, Ganpoli and the Shooting game, which is one of the good parts of the game, is extremely tedious in the long run. That's because the work with guns is generally too repetitive, and their limitation does not really make a difference. It's a problem not just for the multiplayer but also for all parts of the game and even tedious for the game.

    On the other hand, when we come out of the struggle, a turbulent, busy, and in a terrible way to advance characters is provided, which shows its dependence on the lootbox a grossly foolish and indestructible. The theorem is that each character can be upgraded by cards. Now these cards come in two ways, either by buying or building a loot box. Now, the amount of money you have to buy a lucky box that gives you the chance to give a good card is 4,000, but the amount of money you get from each match, up to 200! The case gets worse when a number of heroes are locked and, on the other hand, cards such as Emo (various animations and extra ones that are applicable during the battle) are completely useless, and so you take cards for characters who are locked and unable to use cards that you do not mind. It has no effect on the gameplay and you get cards that do not change anything!

    With an estimate and with some movements like reducing EA's spending money, at least 20 hours of net play are required in the multiplayer segment to open all the heroes and upgrade them as God! On the other hand, you can build the cards with the building unit (the number of units used in the game is very high and this is another negative thing), but getting this unit is made with LootBox, and the amount received from each one is very low. The mistake is that there is a problem with the system's progress in the game, and small changes do not help to dissatisfied with the audience. Real money, which was available at some point, would only help to open up more lootbox, and maybe the bad guys would still be playing cards! Just assume you've spent $ 100 surplus on the game and your favorite character has not really been upgraded!

    In the case of graphics, even though at first glance we are seeing a spectacular effect, but with more experience, we realize that the game in the graphics sector is also less than expected. In addition to the dazzling environments, the bad design of some characters, especially Luke in the Cut Sins, is uncommon; sometimes a poor techie appears, and sometimes lighting diminishes, but overall, Battlefront 2's graphical experience can be a positive point in the sea of negatives. . On the other hand, the sound is always worked out accurately and music does not bother with it, and it repeats the same magical sound of John Williams, but with less glare.

    I honestly don’t want a game to turn out bad or anything but Battlefront 2 is a huge disappointment that carries the Star Wars brand just to sell more. Even if you’re a huge Star Wars fan, don’t go buying Battlefront 2 cause it’s an empty, shallow and boring experience made by people who can’t portray this world with style and substance made just to make EA profit from a big franchise

    Rate this article Star Wars: Battlefront II

    (4.49/5) 45 rates


    Too bad the game is near dead.

    15 july 2022 07:57

    I am Star War fan, this game it's really suit my taste.

    9 may 2019 20:05

    hmmm this is good article but it still fix a little detail

    19 january 2020 14:27

    really good game i would like to try it after this article

    25 march 2019 19:01

    This Article made me so hard to want to download this game, gonna give it a try soon!

    14 may 2019 20:38

    star wars games are the best..

    10 may 2020 13:15

    Here's some criticisms:
    - Needs a bit of polishing. Try reading over your article completely or running it through a service like Grammarly.
    - To make it easier to read, try putting headings over each of the paragraph.
    This article really goes into extreme depths, hope you get some SoulGems out of this!

    17 february 2019 21:03

    Pretty Graphics. Looking forward to it.

    5 may 2019 19:36

    Needs some work. Nice effort

    10 march 2019 07:25

    i really like this article i gonna download the game if i can now!

    20 february 2019 16:29