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    (4.5/5) 2 ratings
    sozqq, 6 january 2018 02:30


    For many years in the gaming industry, the main characters and characters were people, elves, zombies, dragons, gnomes and even the devil knows what. And what is most surprising, they managed to get bored and sit in our throats! Either the developers do not have enough imagination, or they do not want to experiment, naively believing that the next freedom fighter in the form of an awesome hobbit will be the most colorful and memorable character. And in vain they think so ...

    Launching Scrapland, I, at first, could not believe that this time the developers presented us with something really new and unusual. Although, who could doubt, because the main consultant and designer was American McGee (everyone remembers his magnificent Alice)! With the first video, from the first minutes of the game you plunge into this alluring and colorful world, forgetting completely about the affairs of the world.

    The creators made a very clever move: they took a human society, with all its rules and procedures, replaced people with robots and added a bunch of humor and mockery over the values accepted. It seems that it looks utterly stupid, but it can not be attractive. And the world itself was built in such a way that every detail of it pleased the eye, every asteroids and space ship.

    The main character of the game is D-Tritus, an ordinary robot who loves to drive on his space vehicle and is looking for adventure on his iron ass. He was fed up with these endless wanderings and he decides to land on one of the many planets. But here you are not here, you want to live - go work. Of all available vacancies there is only one - the work of a journalist, which, moreover, is considered the most shameful for a robot. There is no way out, D-Tritus agrees. Having started more closely acquainted with the Chimera, the hero notices that it is not so simple. All robots move around the city exclusively on flying machines, as a result of which some of the main problems of mankind - traffic jams - are excluded. Then a friend of D-Tritus'a introduces him to the owner of the car repair shop, in which in the future you will collect the ships from the available drawings.

    The basis of the new town of Chimera was found by her future residents the Great Database in the dump. Realizing that it is possible to make money from this, and rather big, resourceful robots have taken up the cult of this database. But it was not easy, but gold. The matrix of each inhabitant was brought into this base, he paid money to the bishops and they supported it. And in case of death, he was resurrected from this base. Those. it turns out that all the inhabitants of the Chimera are immortal. This served as an imprint on the peculiar way of life and order of life. You can freely rush through the streets in your air car, striking missile ships of civilians. Kill robots, policemen, encroach on the mayor! Naturally, for this you will have to hide from the police until their suspicion disappears, or until you have to be resurrected from the Great Database. It is worth noting, that we will not see a pathetic inscription in the middle of the Game over monitor. Having spent all your opportunities for resurrection (life) and having perished, you will prove to be ... in prison, from where there will be a cheerful escape.

    Arriving on the planet and getting acquainted with its customs and traditions, having received the ship, we involuntarily interfere in the mysterious crime. Someone first cooked an archbishop in the cauldron. Well, I would have cooked, because all the robots are subject to resurrection, so this nagglie still managed to steal his matrix from the Great Database! We, as a journalist, should arrive at the scene and prepare a report. D-Tritus and could not imagine what the consequences will become this business! Of course, we have to find the main bastard and neutralize him.

    The main thing is the ability of the main character to turn into oneself like. This D-Tritus'a taught an old camera, which he was given on the admission to work. In total there are 15 personalities, the form of which the hero can wear. This changes not only its appearance, but also its abilities, which the character possesses. For example, Stapler is so small that it can penetrate into inaccessible places. Bankers can steal money directly from under the nose of citizens, etc. But much to get involved in this is not worth it, and it does not happen. In every building, in every room and passage, robots-informers scattered, whose task is to monitor the order in the city. Pointing to you their searchlights, they can not immediately convict that you are a fraud, and after a while looking. And if they manage to recognize you, wait for the round-up. Ordinary robotic policemen, who only know how to beg for money, suddenly turn into huge gromilopodobnyh robots and restore order by means of stripping the terrain. Plus, for every transformation you will need a battery that can be picked up from the dead policeman-thugs.

    Even before the release of Scrapland'a all said: "GTA in space." All the enemies! The only thing that makes these games related is the presence of cars and the possibility of their theft. All. On this list ends. In Scrapland, the whole world around you is one big decoration. No important event will happen until you complete the next mission. The day will not change night, night will not change the day. Yes, airmobiles fly, fight, take money - all this only in order to somehow brighten up this decor and fill with meaning. It is worth simply to throw these thoughts and enjoy.

    By the way, and the mission can not please us with a special exciting impulse. All of them are divided into "catch and shoot" and "steal and steal." Additional quests can be obtained from the main owner of gambling establishments - the Mad Player, in order to get as many drawings as possible. In general, to be honest, the implementation of the drawings immediately brightened the overall impression of the game. Having admired the beautiful works of designers, we are tired of running around the police or municipality building, but looking for drawings in this building is a fun thing. Here we clip jump into some hatch, then go along the corridor, turn off under the stairs and cheers! A drawing of a beautiful ship or a cannon is with us. It remains only to go to Rusty-Mechanics and install all this.

    It is also worth mentioning special space battles. This, in principle, is the main component of the game. Sitting in your ship, we are informed that the official refuses to pay. What to do with it, I think, it is understandable. We fly behind it (everything is shown on a comfortable radar) and start firing. And the police will not rush off immediately, but as soon as they see your atrocities, which can not but please. But the process of murder is not so easy. The fact is that throughout the vast space space here and there are scattered similarity of bonuses - cartridges and lives. Gathering them, our ship automatically gets younger and the guns come into full combat readiness. Yes, we are on hand. Now imagine that the opponents are not deprived of this wonderful fate. Here, the game goes into a real gloom. You've been chasing this scoundrel more than 10 minutes, and if only he had henna! Yes, and the police on your tail. It will be good later, when having collected a lot of drawings and hanging powerful cannons, enemy ships scatter from 2 to 5 well-aimed shots. But it should also be noted that in the cosmo-duels, not the strongest, but the most dexterous, wins.

    We should not forget about the main component of any game - the graphic shell. Frankly, the developers did the very thing that is needed for this game. All kinds of multicolored highlights, fog, lights, glare - everything pleases the eye. Artists clearly did not sit idly with designers, but worked diligently. And what generally pleases, is that there is no oppression from the game. Those. leaden clouds with incessant rains, gloomy soundtracks, impending threats of villains. Everything is perceived easily and cheerfully. When meeting a robot in the Chimera, it's just impossible to pass by without examining it closely. Every detail of him touches. In a word, everything is stylish and beautiful. A skillfully voiced dialogue, filled with endless humor and mockery, simply fascinating.

    The game has its impressive pluses and grieving minuses. The game, frankly, is not a great hit, but it certainly deserves the attention of each of us. Scrapland is truly original and unique. It can not be compared to any of the existing games. We hope for the continuation of the saga, in which the developers clearly take into account all the wishes of the players and critics.

    Rate: 7 out of 10

    Rate this article Review:Scrapland

    (4.5/5) 2 ratings


    nice one. great work!

    23 june 2019 16:32