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    MrRiddick, 11 november 2017 16:27

    Review ШП

    -Simple and Clean Windows 95/98 aesthetics
    -The Jargon can be so confusing, it seems humorously silly
    -Does appease to natural curiosity

    -Nothing to keep you interested or invested
    -Puzzles are extremely hard

    If you think you might like challenging yourself with extremely dense puzzles that forces you to look behind all the jargon shown for that nugget of a hint to solve these rubik’s cube-like puzzles, then for a $1 you're getting your money worth. I wouldn't recommend this for any others looking a mind/thought provoking experience.

     love puzzle games, and even more I love games that just plop you into itself just without telling you much of what to do, when its done right. A perfect example of a game like that is "Please, Don't Touch Anything" (Which i will to be referring to many times to in this review, so i will be shorting it to "PDTA"), all you have is a screen and a button to start, soon your clicking things all over the screen as a new situation presents itself, This game carries the spirit of this type of gameplay, but unlike PDTA's gameplay which focuses on wanting to pull at your curiosity (Hence in later game making you try to formulate ideas relating to the puzzle you are currently dealing with, and from what you've learned so far you've sharpened your deduction skills), this game seems to want to keep you flustered and confused.

    Story/Gameplay- No story here but jumbled English and pictures, after clicking buttons, setting various numbers, sliding bars, etc. for a while, nothing seems to have relation to each other, other than just having a set function. These Puzzles are mind numbingly hard, enough to break the most relaxed gamer. Referring back to PDTA there are many puzzles that are hard in that game but you know even if you take a break you definitely want to comeback to solving that puzzle later, you begin to gain a sense of not wanting the game to beat you. This game don't give me that feeling, whether on purpose or not but as soon as i got stuck in this game, i quit and nothing makes me feel like i need to return to it.

    Controls/Sounds: Its as simple as clicking, or typing so nothing to say here. Also no SFX or music to note.

    Visuals: Simple and clean Windows 95/98 aesthetics.

    Conclusion: While this game isn't for me, for $1, this game is a short time waster. Its too bad while there isn't anything holding you hand and telling you what to do, you also have no real incentive to solve the puzzles unless you love challenging yourself, much like people that enjoy Sudoku and complex crosswords puzzles.

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