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    ooftillyouredead, 25 november 2018 12:48

    Rags to riches - Growtopia

     This is a simple guide on how to get rich in Growtopia! I will show you how earn your first world lock, collect gems and build worlds. If you don't know what Growtopia is, check the "My opinion on Growtopia" article, where I tell you everything the game has to offer.

     How do I get my first world lock?

     It's pretty simple. You should find an unlocked world. After you find one, break rocks and dirt. When you get a seed of each block, splice them. This will result in a grass tree. Grass is a farmable block, meaning you only need 1 tree to get to the needed amount to get a world lock. You should farm the grass until 100 seeds and then sell them for a world lock. You can also make wooden platforms. They cost a bit more, but almost no one buys them, since most people buy complete farms for cheaper prices. Their seed cost is around 50-70 seeds per world lock, since they require you grass and wood block seeds. Wood blocks are also a farmable. If you want more, farm them for longer, but you'll need to fully lock your world as soon as possible, so that no one tries to steal your things in it.

      What do I do after that?

     When you lock your first world, you should start making a farm. Just place dirt or wooden platforms in lines (make sure they have a 1 block space in each line because you won't be able to place blocks or seeds in there!) to place your seeds. Try to make as many as possible, since you're going to have to farm a lot of things to get rich. I'll put a picture of a dirt farm for you to see what they kind of look like. You should probably get one like that.

     I built a farm and got a few world locks, what should I spend them on?

     I recommend you spending them on farmables such as fish tanks, pepper blocks, pinballs, venus guytraps or blackrock walls. These are the cheapest ones to get you started. You can buy around 200 for one world lock each. They can be farmed like grass, meaning you won't have seed loss and will get seed profit from farming them. They also drop lots of gems.

     I'm getting gems, what should I save them up for?

     Get surgical kits, as they are at a good price for their gem cost. They cost 8 thousand gems. If you want to sell them, you'll need a world lock to drop the blocks in and sell the world (be sure to place blocks on the dropped items so you can take the world key and sell the world). They are in high demand, so you'll find buyers very easily, meaning quick world locks for you!

     I have gotten many world locks, what do I do now?

     Try to invest them. Mass produce items or buy more farmables. Mass producing is making a big amounts of an item (mostly people make a thousand trees for maximum profit). You can find many mass producing tutorials in world "MASS" or "MASSHELP".

     I hope this guide helps you out in getting rich in Growtopia. This is a simple guide to getting your first 100 world locks. If you want to get more try to find guides on YouTube on mass producing items using a 100 world locks. Bye!

    Rate this article Rags to riches - Growtopia

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    i will try these to get more wls. very helpful!!

    11 february 2020 13:29

    wow this article tempts me to check out the game! great job.

    6 august 2019 20:56

    I saw the quote in a book

    21 october 2020 01:10

    First world lock is to get 200 dirt and cave seeds:)

    20 may 2019 06:09

    there is so much hacker and scamer to get rich, but i will not do that thing on every game 😙

    7 november 2019 12:42

    the game names is better than the game

    29 november 2018 16:36