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    Emilisish, 17 november 2017 13:06

    Outlast 2 honest review

    A review of Outlast 2. *Might have some spoilers*

    Outlast 2 takes place in the same universe as the first game, and is taking place after the events in Mount Massive Asylum.

    The game picks up in a chopper where we meet our main character (Blake Langermann) and his wife, Lynn. They are traveling to the southern Arizona to investigate the murder of an eight months pregnant woman.
    It doesn't take long before the story goes south and the chopper chrashes for unknown reasons, and after that Blake must adventure out in the desert to find his wife who was nowhere in sight after the crash.
    Blake soon finds out they are stranded in a village controlled by cult members that belive that the end is upon them. Not enough with the cultists, another group of people called, The Heretics, turns up
    and makes it even harder for Blake and Lynn to get away alive.

    Okay so my honest opinion about the game: 

    First of all I love Outlast and the dlc, so I was really hyped for the second game with the hope that the franchise would get even crazier and more scary.
    The game in itself is not bad, the grapichs have improved a lot, the characters are decent and the voice acting is still amazing, both in english and french.
    I sadly just can't really get to enjoy this game for it's core nor plot. The story is weird or "impossible" to really understand unless you are really good at analysing or just reads up on it. 
    There is a lot of random chases "Fine I will go with the flow on this one..." but what really gets to me is the level design and how often you die over and over again. 
    I have seen multiple youtubers encounter the same death over and over again and with no progression gained at all. So yeah it's a little annoying to die ten times in row and still have no clue where to go.

    - Good grapichs
    - A few spooks here and there
    - Good voice actors
    - The cult is okay too

    - Frustrating
    - Unclear objectives
    - Dying so much makes the game boring

    I would maybe recommend this game if it's title wasn't "Outlast 2", it simple has too little to do with the first two games that it should have been a sequel.
    I hope this can halp if you consider buying the game, maybe do some research if you are unsure if this truely is a game for you.

    Sorry for gramma mistakes, english is not my native language :)

    Rate this article Outlast 2 honest review

    (3.67/5) 3 ratings



    19 november 2017 19:38

    Thank you, I'm still going to school so I guess I have some years to learn it even better 😁

    17 november 2017 20:15

    Well I'm glad I can help ^^

    17 november 2017 17:30

    Well maybe watch some youtubers play it and see if you like it from that. People are still very mentally ill in the new game, but I would say there is less necrophilia in it (maybe none, I don't remember), there still are a lot of torture on humans though. One of the characters that was a big turn off for me was, Val. I just don't find her/him very nice caused by the constant sexual undertones. Otherwise grab the game when it's on sale :)

    17 november 2017 14:50

    i love this game i really really like it

    16 may 2020 19:16

    Yeah I recommend people to get it on sale if they get the chance

    18 november 2017 16:46

    somewhat costly game tbh to buy

    18 november 2017 09:24

    outlest 1 is better but good rewiev

    17 november 2017 20:43

    This review is so good

    17 november 2017 19:43

    i want this game after read this review

    17 november 2017 17:02