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    Rate this article "Onward VR [Steam] - Review"

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    noobda, 18 december 2017 22:27

    Onward VR [Steam] - Review

    Have you ever imagined Counter Strike for VR or at least a look alike but the catch is that this game is a first person shooter game. Its a tactical multi player, well in other words its just a game similar to Counter Strike with a bit low on the physics side as this is a VR game and has to do a lot with the physics and stuff to handle while its on the Oculus or on the VIVE.

    Read along to find out more about this game....

    Onward VR:
    This game is probably a good First person shooter game that's both VR and is multiplayer at the same time. Bear in mind that a multi player game requires many people to play together so in order to achieve that there must be a lot of servers maintained perfectly in order to have an awesome experience. But anyhow as the game is VR and not many people own VR head sets as they are quite a bit costly compared to having a game like Warface or Counter Strike instead which have the same thing to offer with more player base and rich in physics. But for Onward, here's the catch, this being a VR Game, it has support for both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, so people on both the VR devices can play nice and good. And these VR games require pretty decent hardware along with pretty good graphics card in order to be able to run this game, or any VR game, the graphics card must be VR - ready....

    Here are some of the steam statistics of the game:

    •  Reviews: Overwhelmingly Positive
    • Release Date: 30th August 2016
    • Developer: Downpour Interactive
    • Publisher: Downpour Interactive
    • The game is still in Early Access but is playable absolutely fine to most of the extent
    • Online Multi Player
    • Online Co-op with other players with VR headsets and stuff
    • Steam VR Collectibles
    • Game is recently updated and being developed up to the mark as this is a best first person shooter game that is VR Ready
    • Game has quite basic stuff with 5v5 Online multi player game where everyone is equipped with lethal weapons to shoot one another in the map, which is quite familiar to the most player Counter Strike's competitve gaming experience but only with VR in almost near reality

    This game is not a free-to-play VR Game, instead this is a paid Early Access game which is pretty nice that the game has made adjustments that made the game run over a 30 frames per second on the mark.

    Source: Youtube

    If you're wondering how the game looks like when you're wearing VR, the above picture justifies that doubt and clarifies that. The recommended system requirements in order to be able to play the game flawlessly using a VR headset are as follows:

    > Intel i5 but requires a lot of juice from it, so hyper threading is benificial but not required all the time for gaming, either way i5 is more than enough

    > 8Gigs of RAM is mostly sufficient for this game

    > Graphics Card is the most important thing in VR games, its nvidia GTX 970 or higher, but the newer GTX 1060 6GB and higher are fine as the 10 series graphics cards from nvidia are pretty powerful and power efficient and are based on new architechture which improves performance in many games...


    A good VR game which has the basic idea of the first person shooter multi player game type, it would be more satifying and more fun if many people played this game as the other games so as to make its online gaming experience with VR sustainable. But we can hope to get such type of games in the near future as the future of gaming is almost here with many VR titles hitting the markets and the VR head sets are starting to get cheaper at a margin of the price, that too will be lowered in the future when we'll see many people playing CS on VR....

    Thanks :)

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