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    Rate this article "OBDUCTION REVIEW"

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    ajdiin17, 8 december 2018 21:43



    Leading in the experience of various video games, going to the woods usually ends in three ways.
    One is happy to return home after a busy night in the natural setting.Another attack by psychopaths, monsters, or something that often does not have a happy ending, and the third includes unknown forces out of this world where the main character typically ends up on a probe table or in an unusual, unknown location. Obduction represents roughly this third scenario, or sends players to exploring unknown and certainly interesting worlds, and asks players to turn gray cells on to solve many puzzles.

    Inquiry into a research adventure created by a study devoted to Myst and Riven titles, whose roots they decided to keep here. Those who are not in adventurous waters, probably the above mentioned titles and will not mean too much, but the rest of the players could be pleasantly surprised by the elements that were touched by the games involved. With that, even though it is an adventurous genre where there are a lot of riddles, worlds do not use a storage case to be able to thrive, but that virtual camera with the desirable use of paper and pencils.

    "Interestingly, the game offers two ways to explore - the classic click on the screen or the free movement."

    Obduction already hints through the first steps that it is an unknown and unusual world which is not so difficult to conclude because of the way our character appears at all. Who would have expected from an object that had dropped from the sky to transport hundreds of feet away from its original location instead of hundreds of thousands of kilometers. It is precisely with this means of transport that comes to Hunrath, a town where the architecture of the Wild West with the industrial era and the petrol station whose design remained in the 60s is interwoven. This tool contains the dose of mysteries and puzzles that you re-enter through diary and instruction

    Interestingly, the game offers two ways to explore - the classic click on the screen or the free movement, which is a much better option because of the amount of running from one end of the location to the other. Though the first is the classic way it was in the previous titles of this study, the semi-open world requires a lot of patience and movement until all the shortcuts are opened, so it is advisable to have the chance to run.
    Here would be best to retire to The Witness where the open world was present, and they opened the door to shorten the journey to all areas. However, it is a bit disappointing that there are a number of places to store images on the camera and after a while they have to be deleted. That would not be so much of a problem, but when you're not sure if some picture will help you later, then this disadvantage will come to light. Frustrates me.

    Obduction shows all its strength precisely in the logical part that is completely understandable, but here it is not just the quality of puzzles but also their arrangement. It is not a problem to recognize what is light in terms of standard elements where you need to pull the lever, turn the valve, and press the button until it detects how the alien numeric system works. It is positive that in the beginning, it will not happen that a simple problem suddenly comes to some ultra-heavy.
    Unfortunately, it is not all that perfect because the end of the game can get the impression that designers have said: "guys and kids, just make things complicated, the end is out of the corner." Through a quarter of a game, everything is well placed to suddenly make a significant jump in the weight of puzzles that need to be resolved to open the passage to the final animation.

    Additionally, another problem becomes painfully noticeable as the player approaches the end of the game. Namely, the travel system between the worlds is carried out by a teleporter, which in the beginning is not such a problem, moreover, it is even interesting to find out where they lead because they are not used often. But before the end of the game, when every little bit of jumping from one to another world, it all gets tiring because of the loading. It takes between seven to ten seconds to load, which does not sound like much, but when it jumps ten and a half times in order to set a certain element for the passage to the next, it becomes pretty boring and hard.

    By plotting the pluss and the minuses, one can not say that this is the title that will bring the adventurous genre back to the golden age of the late 90's and early '00, but worth the investment of time - especially if you are a genre fan. The mysterious worlds whose design simply entice players to explore them in conjunction with interesting puzzles are good enough reasons to run the game. In addition, the two-hour watch guarantees that

    "Obduction will not get tired, but will have fun with all those who want to test brain strokes."

    Thanks for reading :)

    Rate this article OBDUCTION REVIEW

    (4/5) 12 rates


    didn't know Cyan released another Myst-like game, I love 'em! Agree with the other comments, some issues but it passes alright!

    9 december 2018 02:10

    Good Work Its a Nice Article But there is a bit of mistakes but its still great!

    9 december 2018 19:52


    9 december 2018 18:58

    Comments got deleted

    9 december 2018 11:27

    Lol don't know why i find that's funny

    9 december 2018 11:26

    This seems really cool.

    30 may 2020 22:36

    Nice Job that was a very intresting article. 10/10

    11 december 2018 04:28

    I have already completed this game.
    It's a nice puzzle oriented adventure. You can spend days to figure out everything. Especially since some puzzles require you to teleport back & forth between levels. However the actual areas where you can roam are not that huge. At some point I had a feeling that the developers just wanted to end it quickly.
    It could have been so much better but still it's ok as it is.

    I think the article is all right!

    9 december 2018 10:58

    I think the article is all right!Nice work 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

    10 december 2018 00:42

    Nice work looks good
    No complaints regarding the presentation and organization
    Hopefully it's genuine

    8 december 2018 22:01