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    Rate this article "League of Legends(Diana review)"

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    eagleeye, 7 december 2017 15:53

    League of Legends(Diana review)

            I decided to create this article to present you an unpopular league of legend champion with a huge potential.DIANA.



      Diana as you know is a melee champion that is known for her assasination style. She does magic damage on her all abilities.Let's make a shor review on her abilities:



                Her passive is very helpful at farming minions but as well at harrasing enemy players. If you notice the percentage of the AP you will see that 80% AP bonus it's a big number and later on in the game that will cause some serious damage.Let's say you're at lvl 18(Max lvl) and you have 700 AP in total. Her passive will give you 250+ 80%*700=250+560=810 damage. That's quite a huge amount.

                Also having 90% attack speed at lv 18 by casting an ability will allow you to proc her passive more than once. The mana restore is also a bonus to her Moonsilver Blade.



    That's the ability that you rely on most of the time. You use it for harras and farm. The range of it it's quite unusual, it has an arched shape which might be difficult at first, but once you master it will be rewarding. The cost of it it's really good, 55 mana at all ranks will allow you to abuse it. Once again the AP bonus percentage is high(70% of AP). The cooldown is short enogh at all stages, but if you can manage to get up to 40% cooldown reduction later on, you will be able to spamm it every 3,6 seconds.

                   You can also hit a blind Q in the jungle or near dragon/baron if you know the enemy team started it and it will give you vision and that will allow you and your teammates to fight back for the objective.



                       Pale Casde(W) is her only defensive tool that can be used in an agressive way also. Shield strenght isn't that huge but it's more than enough in trades.The good part is that if you manage to detonate all 3 sphere you can stack up the shield so therefore your shield can absore more incoming damage. It's cooldown(10 s) it's good enough, it will allow you to use it often in case you're harrased by ranged champions.



       Moonfall might look useless at first, but it's very efficient while you chase down people. You can also use to to reveal invisible champions like Teemo or Twitch if they are in range of her ability. Also keep in mind that after you use it you slow down your opponent, allowing you to hit few more auto atacks and proc your passive.



                         Her ultimate is called Lunar Rush. This ability is great. Let me explain.I would start to say that you should never use it without casting Q first. Despite its low cooldown time, you would prefer to have the cooldown ready. You can double your ultimate damage by doing the combo Q-R-R since your first R it's gonna be reseted.

      In the end I will tell you some combo orders that you should definetly use on her:


         2 autoattacks -> Q -> R -> W -> autoattack -> E

    #2(ALL IN): 

               2 autoattacks -> Q ->wait 2,5 s -> R - >W ->autoattack - >Q -> R -> autoattack -> E ->autoattack -> R-> autoattack

    #3(Fast ):                

    2 autoattacks -> R -> Q -> W -> autoattack -> R

      I will post here a video(not mine) where you can see her abilities and some commentaries when this champion shown up

       Thank you for your time. I hope you will try this champ. I guarantee that you will have a lot of fun!

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    Thanks for the article trying to grab info for what character best suits me

    7 april 2020 05:04