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    forever18, 17 june 2021 14:42

    How to not be mad


    We've all been there Before I say anything else in this guide, I need to make this clear that this is something that you can't really be told. This guide is not going to instantly change your life and make you a monk at peace with yourself and the world. You need to be the one that has the magical moment of realization to stop being mad at everything. I am going to write this anyways because I don't care.

    I can't say that I've experienced all this game has to offer, but I've seen enough to know that there is a lot of pent up rage within a lot of people in this community. I've gotten upset at plenty of things: bad teammates, fake and real tunneling/camping, certain perks, etc. These are things that can be very frustrating to deal with at times, and I get it. I've played both killer and survivor a decent amount (more survivor) and have played plenty of both solo queue and SWF. This is just to clarify where I am coming from.

    Something important that you should do is acknowledge when you are getting mad at the game and know when getting angry becomes a habit. The things that you are getting mad at will likely be staying in the game, and having heated moments when they happen can potentially manifest itself into hating the game to the point where playing the game for 10 minutes will cause actual physical pain. Trust me, I know.     Lol Scrub The term scrub is mainly used in the fighting game community, but I'm pretty sure like 90% of people don't even know what scrub really means even in those circles. There are a lot of scrubs in dbd, a lot more than I've personally encountered in any other game. Scrubs are usually found in lower ranks and on twitch.

    Core-A Gaming summed up scrub mentality with this:

    • "This connection was garbage" (fair, that is frustrating. See: "It Happens")
    • "Tunneling camping killer zzzzzzz"
    • "Carried by noed, literally can't even win without god perks"
    • "Sweaty killer try and have fun lol"

    -Some dead survivor

    Being a scrub is not an assessment of your skill, it's a mindset. A scrub usually believes that they are playing to win, but have a bunch of made-up rules that they fall back on to make them feel better about losing. These rules vary from game to game, but the main point of all scrub arguments are that it is never your fault.

    If this is you, understand that not only is this mindset making you have less fun, it is also hindering your improvement. If nothing is ever your fault, then there is no reason to change any part of your game plan, right?

    Don't be a scrub.

    More examples of scrub quotes can be found > here <     Understanding your influence (the important part) This is the part that I was talking about when I said that nobody can really be told. This is an aspect of the game that you have to come to accept yourself. It should be obvious, but is something that people don't really acknowledge and it eats away at their soul the longer they get angry.

    You don't have control over everything in the game.

    Focus on things that you have control over.

    Playing survivor (especially solo queue) means that you have a team of 3 other people of varying skill. You have little to no say over the amount of correct plays they will make, so assume everyone is bad and move on. It does not matter. The killer has no obligation to do anything for you or to play in a certain way (see: Lol scrub), so assume they will do whatever they want and move on. It does not matter.

    The only thing you can control is your own character. Your main focus should be having fun (ie. playing to the best of your ability, goofing around, etc) with escaping/killing everyone being a nice bonus reward on the side.

    When you go down, think what you could have done better. Was your looping sloppy? Bamboozle got you? Were you in a deadzone? Then think what you could have done to avoid that. Get chased more to practice, run to a different loop or something when you think they'll use bamboozle, and try to avoid being caught in a deadzone or avoid creating deadzones in the first place.

    When a survivor gets away as a killer, it's the same deal. Accept that dead hard/sprint burst/iron will/etc are all parts of every survivor's toolkits, ask yourself if you are positioning yourself correctly at loops, and consider new ways of using your ability.

    The end goal should not be a win screen with a bunch of points. This happens once at the end of the match and if you get unlucky with teammates/maps/loops then you're essentially gambling your fun away. The fun part is being in the game, interacting with the other players in different ways.     It happens There are plenty of things that are genuinely aggravating. It is not always possible to simply ignore other teammates if they are actively hindering your ability to play the game. Even the best of us sometimes get pushed over the edge[www.twitch.tv] and that's ok.

    The biggest thing to keep in mind is how you take out your anger. Complaining in post game chat will do nothing. If something happened that was genuinely unfair or if you didn't have fun from something, use post game chat for constructive conversations.

    • "Relying on nurse to carry you bgbg can't even loop"
    • "toxic swf"
    • "Do you have any tips on playing against nurse? You were on point with your blinks that game"
    • "dang ggs"
    If you don't want any conversation, then use 'ol reliable: ggwp
    It does everything!
    • Promotes positivity
    • Does not make you more angry
    • Allows others to make a fool of themselves
    • Completely destroys people intentionally trying to get a reaction
    At the bare minimum, regardless of what happens in a match, you should end every game you can with a ggwp. This is the one secret life hack that might actually work for some people.     Specific things There's a few specific things that I personally see around more than others. I figured I'd put them in here.

    Stop complaining about noed
    Whenever I see someone complain about noed I immediately assume they are a new entitled survivor main.

    It's not even that good. It's frustrating, but not that good.

    Noed will probably get you kills against low-rank survivors, and can potentially save games in lower rank lobbies. This, I assume, is where this idea comes from. In games with decent survivors, noed becomes much more of a gamble and will probably get you ~1-2 downs on average before it is either broken or people leave. (I don't have numbers for that, take it with a grain of salt)

    There are so many other perks that do so much more against survivors. Go complain about gen regression or barbecue or something that actually consistently helps killers if you're gonna complain about "op perks".

    P.S. This does not mean complain about perks. Everyone has access to them, everyone can use them. It is up to you to adapt to the situation (See: Understanding your influence).

    Genrushing isn't real
    I haven't heard this one in a while, but I have occasionally seen it around.

    To clarify: there is such thing as genrushing, but you almost certainly have not experienced it.

    If generators are going by very fast, that does not mean survivors are "genrushing," that means they have nothing else to do and you need to give them a reason to do something else.

    99% of the times I've heard/seen someone complain about genrushing, the killer just took a long chase and people were doing the objective. This is one of the scrubbiest arguments you can make in dbd so please don't.

    pressure     Conclusion If you're willing to read a guide from some random person on the internet telling you how not to be mad you're probably a perfectly reasonable person who can enjoy dbd normally without making up a bunch of bs rules for themselves. I get that this guide will probably not do anything for people who think this way, but I like to believe.

    Just try to have fun with the game where you can. The first time I opened the game, I was having a ton of fun. After a while that fun can be hard to find through all the things that this game can throw at you, but it should still be there.

    Yes I made this guide because I saw some person complaining about noed.

    Yes I only read over this guide like 0.5 times.

    No you do not get a tldr I didn't bring that perk.

    Rate this article How to not be mad

    (4.47/5) 347 rates


    Very profound and so true. The anger and the despondency are gallore

    6 january 2022 19:08

    When you are in it. Its hard not to think of it as just a game. Being frustrated is so easy. But one step a time right. Thanks for the tip

    4 december 2021 01:00

    I have experienced this in the games and this is a pretty good way to solve the problem, keep it up!

    28 november 2021 20:36

    If something makes me mad, i just leave the game and try to forget all about it.

    16 december 2021 05:01

    you put ice in your head your good now .

    18 october 2021 15:24

    this is very helpful, thx u

    28 september 2021 02:22

    it’s a really good article but u should try adding some photos

    8 december 2021 06:48

    Wow you wrote an entire article on how not to be mad 😂

    1 december 2021 07:39

    It can be more instresting by adding some images or something

    5 december 2021 12:10

    I can't say that I've experienced all this game has to offer, but I've seen enough to know that there is a lot of pent up rage within a lot of people in this community. I've gotten upset at plenty of things: bad teammates, fake and real tunneling/camping, certain perks, etc. These are things that can be very frustrating to deal with at times, and I get it. I've played both killer and survivor a decent amount (more survivor) and have played plenty of both solo queue and SWF. This is just to clarify where I am coming from.

    25 july 2021 10:38