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    felipe_ferraz, 6 november 2017 23:02

    God of War History and Review

    Official history that was the basis of one of the most famous games in history. The book tells in detail the story of Kratos, a Greek warrior who works for the gods of Olympus and, after being manipulated by the god of war, longs for revenge and for killing Ares himself, the god of war.

    All must know the warrior Kratos, besides star of the series of games known as God of War, he is a servant of the gods of Olympus. Kratos lives tormented by the nightmares of the past and all he wants is his freedom, and he would do anything to finally pay off his debts with the gods. Until the solution comes with a dangerous offer: Destroy Ares, the god of war.

    So begins a rather interesting and very bloody story. Kratos is now accompanied by the beautiful and deadly Blades of Chaos, in addition to being guided by the goddess Athena, adding to his desire for revenge without limits, we have a warrior practically invincible. But to complete his mission, Kratos will need the one that is the only relic powerful enough to assassinate Ares and this will be an adventure that will take him to the mysterious temple created by the Titan Cronos.


    First of all, we must say: " God of War " is a book worth buying, even if you have not played the game, since history and epic adventure captivate the reader from the beginning to the last page.

    I know that by the title and subtitle of the book, it looks like we are facing a case of a book that turned game, but make no mistake, the book came later, it was only released in 2010, written by the Americans  Matthew Stover  and  Robert E. Vardeman . Here in Brazil, Flávia Gasi was the translator of the book, she is already well known as a game reporter. Anyway, we can say that Kratos is very safe in the world of literature.

    From the first chapter, in case you have played the game, you will see that this is not only a copy of the game turned into text, but a real book, with the same story, same facts, same story, but much more engaging and deep. The book is well written and has a good foundation in Greek mythology.

    There are new facts in the book, since Kratos will have new enemies and creatures to destroy and overcome, we can mention the presence of harpies, jellyfish, minotaurs, centaurs, hydras, among other mythological beings. In addition to several smaller plots that end up involving several Greek gods like  Athena , the powerful and destructive war god  Ares , the king of the seas  Poseidon , and the lord of all gods,  Zeus. As in the game, the story is masterfully told, to the point where it seems Kratos really is part of Greek mythology. Perhaps if the Greeks had heard of his deeds, he would surely be among his tales.

    The best part of having this book is to realize that all these plots involving the gods were already in the game, but implicitly, now you can read what actually happened, having detailed information on how the gods think and act, how all this influences Kratos' journey.

    The story also adds new characters, who remembers the minigame of those two girls? Here we have a better description of the scene. Besides a whole mythological explanation for the presence of several beings in the book.

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    wait... does god of war has book ?

    19 march 2020 19:25