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    KyronGetsu, 12 july 2020 02:31

    Free Vs Upgraded

    Free vs Upgraded and how they affect the GW2 experience


    First lets talk about the "free" game .

    For those of you don't know , the game is free to play and available for download from Arena.net . and can be upgraded with 2 expansions
    Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire
    in the free game you will have access to

    • Access to all Core maps and content
    • 2 Character Slots . build and switch between 2 builds of your own design
    • 3 Bag slots . each of your 2 characters can only equip 2 extra bags to increase inventory size
    • 8 Playable Professions / Classes . Elementalist, Engineer, Guardian, Mesmer, Necromancer, Ranger ,Thief, Warrior .
    • Communication is restricted to mutual friends , players on the same map , your party and your guild .
    Being a free to play character doesn't affect you while you battle your way through Tyria's maps , in fact its actually easy enough to solo the entire
    core games map without really ever dying , unless you neglect your gear , the only times you're really gonna need to play with other players are in the many dungeons or pvp . If you struggle in any of the dungeons or pvp matches and find yourself dying more than you like , there a lot of guides for both PvE and PvP character builds on the Mettabattle website .

    To summarize free to play . you wont have any direct disadvantages . you just wont have access to the expansions maps and content .

    Now for the "upgraded" part .

    with a upgraded account you will have access to , apart from the core maps and content
    • Any of your purchased expansions maps and content (basically fancy gear and more maps ) as well as they're campaigns .
    • 5 Character Slots
    • 5 Bag Slots
    • the 8 free Professions + the Revenant , making a total of 9
    • Profession Masteries , which are 2 extra skill trees available to every profession
    • Full in game Communication , meaning you will be able to talk whenever you want
    • Raids
    • Mount and gliders .  . . . . .  yeah no more long walks
    Im gonna skip straight to the point with this one . Upgrading your account just makes things a lot easier, while in free you have to work a lot harder to meet your goals . the free to play and upgraded account can basically be compared to getting a new game and then later seeing they created a remastered edition with a lot cooler stuff . so whether your gonna be playing free or upgrading you will still be able to enjoy the  the GW2 experience , though you are probably gonna get jealous while you are walking to a new map area and a upgraded player comes riding past on they're epic looking mount or flying over your head with they're glider .


    Rate this article Free Vs Upgraded

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    Thanks for all the comments and help input . was my first article , so im greatfull for the tips💻

    12 july 2020 12:10

    este articulo es genial mente asombroso

    13 july 2020 01:32

    There are capitalization and punctuation errors but the article has good info.

    12 july 2020 07:54

    good game

    12 july 2020 22:56

    13 july 2020 00:40


    12 july 2020 10:51

    There are capitalization and punctuation errors but the article has good info.

    12 july 2020 03:11

    you ave don a great job with your fantastic article👍

    12 july 2020 10:13

    Good to know.

    And just like MaguminShiro said, a "Conclusion" subtitle for the last part of your article makes the article itself a bit organized. On the other hand, the rest of the article is good and well-formatted. Nice job! Hope to see more articles from you in the future.

    12 july 2020 11:19

    Some grammar and text errors but almost seems fine.
    The last part probably you could put a subtitle "Conclusion" to separate from your upgraded part. (Probably it fits more as conclusion)

    Have been playing GW2 too in the past, and yep, the one who play normally and the one who bought those expansions have mounts and some extra skill tree for them (It's not you can't enjoy the game without it, but sometimes you'll like to have something like that)

    12 july 2020 03:23