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    Ascarie, 15 june 2023 14:45

    For Honor, The basics

    This article will not be like any other. Here I will write every useful I missed out when I was starter, from the bottom to the top. 

    Starting in many games can be sweatening and hard or rather easy, For Honor stands for the first part. It's a "swordplay" game, mostly testing your reactions. This is one of the little amount of games that make your start truly harder and will evolve into an easier playstyle with your time.

    For Honor's playerbase is decreasing from time to time, because of the lack of informations on the gameplay. So... Let's just get started!


    There are many things that can be told about this game, so I will try making it shorter and more informative.
    At the start of the game, you will meet many experienced players talking about things you don't yet know about. These things are:

    Basic Knowledge:


    The most commonly used "tool" in the game. Guardbreak stands for breaking up the oppenent's guard, making him clear to attacks.
    Guardbreaks are relatively easy to counter as you forward in ranks, so watch out when you are using it. On the startup of slower attacks (Also known as Heavies.) Guardbreaks are garanteed, making guardbreaks a viable option to bait a Parry. From  succesful guardbreaks you can also throw your oppenent into four directions using your "direction" buttons and pressing guardbreak again. Most guardbreaks garantee a slow side (Heavy) attack, but that also really depends on the heroes and their movesets. You can counter the oppenent's guardbreak by inputing your guardbreak button at the right timing you see the "guardbreak icon".

    It's an absolutely good tool when someone just started. Can be done by inputting "Heavy" on the right timing of an attack. All you have to do is press your heavy in the direction of the attack right at the time the attack would hit your guard. Parrying light attacks garantee Heavies, but parrying Heavies garantee a Light attack. But beware when you do it. If your enemy Feints his attack into a Guardbreak, he can easily punish you. So do it only if you know that attack would hit.

    Feinting in short is just canceling your attack, but not all attacks can be cancelled. Can be done by inputting your feint key at the start of your attack (E key on PC). Most heavy attacks can be feinted. For the best offense, it is recommended to combine feints with guardbreaks, baiting your oppenents, so you can punish them.

    Unblockable Attacks
    Unblockable attacks cannot be blocked (as the name says), they either have to be dodged or parried, depending on the situation. They're the best tool for baiting out parries into guardbreaks, giving you the best punish. You can recognize them as they appear in orange color. That kind of attack is used the most by players as they give the oppenent two options to choose from and if they choose the wrong one, you punish them hardly. Bashes are also counted as unblockables, but they have to be dodged and cannot be parried.

    Undodgable attacks
    They are attacks that cannot be dodged. They have to be either parried or blocked. You can recognize them as they come out in blue color. Those kind of attacks are nothing interesting, but can be annoying for new players, as they tend to use more dodges.

    Deflects are like parries, except instead of doing a heavy into an attack's direction, it's dodging into the direction on the right timing. Only Assassins and few heroes can do it. Pretty unsafe as dodges have more recovery time than heavies, so it's something only cool dudes use. You will rarely see people using deflects... They also look cool as heck!

    The game is known as a "reaction based game", but the more you play the more you realise you have to make alot of reads.

    Thank you for reading this article, hopefully it helped for some of the starters. I will also make more of such articles diving more into the gameplay.

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    The ad should reach a wider audience.

    20 august 2023 15:17

    nice i loved it your knowledge is on next level

    15 june 2023 22:06

    good one mad keep going

    18 june 2023 12:57