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    JohnAricsson, 9 january 2018 08:06

    Fizz the fish

    Fizz the tidal trickster

    Fizz is a league of legends champion. He is basically a fish who has a trident in his hand and he uses his magical powers to throw sharks at people. Okay no more jokes. He is an ap assassin with high mobility. He has his insane ability kit which only knows how to squeeze out every grain of salt from you. He might be fun to play and not too hard to master but he is annoying to counter against. To put it simply, you can compare this fish with teemo the squirrel. So you already know what I am talking about. Now we will go through his abilities.

    Passive-Nimble Fighter

     Fizz’s passive allows him to move through units and he also takes less damage from basic attacks. Most of the time fizz is played as an ap carry but you can also build tank on fizz because of this passive. Now I want you to think about the champions who rely on their auto attacks to kill enemy champions. For example- yi is an assassin who completely relies on his auto attacks/basic attacks. Fizz gains extra advantage against champions like yi who relies on their basic attacks because of his passive.

    Q-Urchin Strike

    Fizz dashes through his enemy (or target because he can use urchin strike on anybody except allies) dealing magic 100% Attack Damage physical damage plus 10/25/40/55/70 (+55% Ability Power) magic damage. It also applies on hit effects on every target fizz passes through using his dash. You should max your q last.

    W-Seastone Trident

    Passive-Fizz’s basic attack bleeds his target that deals magic damage over time.

    Active-Fizz empowers his trident which deals extra magic damage when it hits a target. This damage increases by how long the bleed was active. You can max this ability first or max e. If you want early pressure on enemy by poking them then max this first. But if you want to farm a lot then max e first.

    E-Playful / Trickster

    This is the main reason why people love fizz(Ahem) I mean hate fizz. When he activates this ability he becomes invulnerable. Fizz can either slam the ground or choose to jump again before smashing back down. Fizz can dodge basically anything with this ability, any kind of skillshot, any kind of basic attacks. Not only he dodges everything, after landing on ground he deals magic damage which is annoying. You use your ultimates on fizz and he just uses his E to dodge and then you get a cool down on your R now. Here’s a funny thing that can happen when you play fizz-

    Zed vs Fizz boss battle

    Fizz-hey zed, you wanna fight?
    Zed-you kidding me? I am the 1 v 1 master, bro. A fish like u don’t stand a chance against me.
    Fizz-well bring it on.
    Zed-Zed uses his ultimate. (Both fizz and zed are low after fighting a little)
    Fizz-uses his E to dodge and kills zeds after zed misses his ult.
    Zed-zed dies(Zed has disconnected)


     R-Chum the Waters

    Fizz throws his magical shark at others and that sharks from the ground(I don’t know how is this possible but its magical I guess) and eats the enemy dealing magic damage and slowing them for few seconds. Guys I know fizz is kinda hard and annoying to lane against but he’s fun. He’s only 4800 BE and he got some awesome skins for being a fish. So try him out.


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    good article man, can u do the same thing with yuumi myb?

    22 april 2021 10:15