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    Rate this article "Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires"

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    ayman10002018, 25 november 2018 22:05

    Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires

    Dynasty Warriors is one of the best action game i have ever played. I played Dynasty Warriors 5 when i was 10 years old and Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires before 2 years ago and i can tell you it's fantastic!. In this article i will talk about Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires.

    Dynasty warriors 8 Empires is one of my favorite game. You can play it either in ,Play Station 3, Play Station 4, x box or in your PC. The game is based on making strategies like building many strong soldiers, making your people happy, making peace contract with enemies around you, recruiting strong officers and kicking out the weak, buying the equipments that suites you, buying strong spells and traps, invading areas, doing quests to earn weapons or supplies. defending the areas you control, making allies, defending them and a lot more!
    I have played it for 2 years and i can tell you that there are a lot of functions that's not in other games like creating your unique character by customizing eye brows, nose, mustache, beard, mouth, hair, hair color, body shape, body color and other stuffs. of course the beard and mustache are optional you can either make your character have them or remove it completely.

    anyways, let's stop talking about beards and mustache and talk about other good stuffs :D
    You can marry any pretty girl you want in the game but she must in your team for example an officer. you can also have children after marriage and the child will have similar looks to his parents.


    How the game works? 

        - First you choose a customized character in the game or customize your own character
        - Choose the difficulty..
        - Choose an area in the map to start from.
        - Then you can choose to be either an officer under a ruler or be a ruler or a free officer.
        - Then focus on the strategic stuffs that i mentioned above.
        - Try to occupy all areas in the map.
        -  When you occupy everything you will win the game.

    It's not hard to win the game but you will be addicted to it and won't be able to quit as you will want to try all the characters or to explore more functions.
    How to invade?

    There are couple of things you need to know:

    The ruler will choose an area to invade every month.It's not actually a month like in real world but every 4 action you do. for example: raiding an area is one action, resting is one action and doing quest is also one action.you.
    You can also invade any area but beware the area power. if it's too strong, you will have hard time killing enemies or you will not be able to even kill one single enemy soldier.
    The area that the ruler choose cannot be raided nor invade except in the end of the month. 

    When the time comes up or when you choose an area to invade, you will be asked to boost your own area points in the invading map. This will greatly increase the defense and health of your area points and boost the attack of your soldier and officers.

    Now if you're all done and set, you will be transferred to a starting area point then you will need to occupy enemies area points to make them weak then defeat the ruler of the area. when you defeat him/her you will be able to either capture some officers, recruit them or execute them. 

    What's bad about the game :

    • The loading time when your choosing customized characters in the game as it takes about 3 seconds to load per character.

    What's good about the game : 

    • You play with your soldiers.and officers as a team.
    • You can play online or single as you wish.
    • Awesome animation
    • Cool weapons and characters
    • A lot of functions
    • and all other stuffs except the bad one. 
    I rate this game 8/10  :)

    Thanks for reading, cheers!

    Rate this article Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires

    (3.86/5) 7 rates


    Look a good game but i dont think i will like it

    29 november 2018 19:10

    Not great, but I appreciate this article.

    25 december 2018 04:11

    Not great, but I appreciate this article.

    3 march 2020 19:49

    Duplicate images but I'll let it slide for now due to good formatting of the article as a whole. Just take note of this in the future.

    26 november 2018 16:25