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    MataZa, 10 december 2018 20:42

    CS:GO Danger Zone

    Name:Danger Zone
    Developers:Valve Corporations
    Genre:Battle Royale

    I will only talk about Battle Royale mode not the base game.


    After 6 years of hard competitive gameplay one of the best games on Steam has decided to become a FREE TO PLAY game and add a new battle royale mode.
    Danger Zone has way less players  than other BR games like Fortnite and PUBG which have 100 player limit while Danger Zone has only 16, 18 if you are playing Duos and trios.
    This makes matches last way shorter, around 10 minutes.
    Like in every battle royale there is a zone which does damage to you if you get caught in it so you always need to move.
    You start the game by choosing one of the sectors where you want to land,  then a helicopter will fly you to it.

    After that you start the game bare handed and your goal is to find a weapon as soon as possible.
    That can be achieved by finding it in houses on the floor or in crates which you need to brake. All across the map you can find money which you can use to buy new guns, armor or anything you need to survive. To access the buy menu you need to open your tablet by pressing the tab key.

    As I already said you use the tablet to buy new equipment and to look on the map.
    This tablet is upgradable so you can track other players and their movements.

    On the map you can see extra icons like drones which bring weapons you bought straight to you, you can also see where weapon drops will land.
    There are also rescue missions you complete by carrying hostages you find across the map to safe zone.(Also indicated on the map)
    These give you extra cash you can use to get better weapons.

    Limited Bullets!?
    Yes, the game has limited amount of bullets which are hard to find, even weapons you find are not fully loaded.So you need to spare your bullets and play it safe because if you run out of bullets in the middle of a fight 9 times out of 10 you are dead.

    They can be really helpful or they can be your doom.They can be seen and heard from far away so your enemies can find you easily and kill you while you are of your guard.

    My opinion!!
    It's amazing it brings something new to CS and it doesn't fell so stale for me as it did before.
    You can play with different playstyles, you can be aggressive or you can play tactically and wait for the final battle, it makes you fell good because you won by being smart and having skills.Playing with friends is way more fun because you don't need to play to win, you can have fun, play around and just relax.
    I only have one tip for those who want to try and win.
    Don't and I mean don't punch or shoot red barrels, you will probably die together with your enemy. Those things are OP

    Rate this article CS:GO Danger Zone

    (4.13/5) 16 rates


    Great work

    29 june 2021 10:39


    12 december 2018 08:35

    always use full nemae in name of article

    13 july 2020 20:21

    Nice work

    12 december 2018 21:56

    Nice review, love the Mode too.

    5 august 2019 08:02

    Nice work. They should give you more bullets.

    16 december 2018 03:14

    Gd work

    12 december 2018 06:45

    Nice work!

    11 december 2018 15:43

    Its Nice

    12 december 2018 16:26

    It's good but the bullets is too low

    11 december 2018 22:02