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    Julio_Lokin, 29 november 2017 23:24

    CrossFire: check out tips to get it right on the popular free FPS

    CrossFire is a free FPS, ideal for anyone who likes Counter-Strike type games. Its frantic gameplay, coupled with high quality graphics and the benefit of playing for free, make your popularity in Brazil grow every day. Check out tips to get it right online:

    General Tips

    From the outset, we recommend you start by playing on the "Rookie" server, which is geared towards beginners. There you are most likely not to come across a very high level player, and thus suffer from a series of eliminations.
    Do not buy weapons early on. Expect to buy one that's really worth it. Each has its own level of damage and retreat, some of which are more difficult to deal with than others. Try to understand each property well before buying other weapons.

    Ghost Mode

    It is considered the stealth mode of the game. In it, one of the teams (BL) is invisible when stopped, partially invisible when walking holding the shift, and visible when walking normally. His weapon is just the knife and the silence, because the noise is one of the ways of being identified.

    One team has a mission to plant a bomb, while the other can use any weapon on the mission to disarm it, or choose to wipe out all the other team's players.

    Each team has different techniques. The Ghosts must be attentive to the noise, in the form of before and even in their breath. There are techniques for detecting ghosts by breathing noise, and if you encounter an experienced foe it will be difficult to catch him off guard.

    There are techniques also like walking at normal speed without making noise, or breaking the camouflage - the so-called Bunny Hop or rabbit leap. It's as if the character walks backwards crouched and jumping at the same time. To do this, press Ctrl + S + 'spacebar'.

    There are some items that can be purchased in the Item Shop that muffle the sounds emitted while walking and breathing. These are:

    Already with the other team, there are many tips to find the ghost. The most important thing is to use headphones to identify the noises of steps and breathing. There are techniques with the pin-point that aid in this identification. Just make moves with the mouse to the left and right with the aim of the weapon. You will be able to centralize the phantom's breath by hearing the headphones (meaning it is right in front of you).

    If you are disarming the bomb, be aware that the ghost may be nearby and waiting for the best moment to attack you. Disarm slowly, pausing to make sure there are no enemies nearby.

    Zombie Mode
    Cooperation here is the key to survival. Do not even think about becoming a hero and think that you can do it yourself, because over time, the waves of zombies are more numerous and enemies increasingly resistant.

    Always try to leave someone somewhere at the top to support. At the beginning, the rest of the team can stay underneath and machine gun anyone who shows up, but over time, the group better get together at some point to tap the zombie wave on a ramp.

    If it is not possible to taper, look for runners or something that leaves them in a straight line. Always aim in the head, as it is also the most efficient way to eliminate them, also yields more points to the player. On some maps it will be necessary to search for ammunition in some corners. Always do this in groups.
    Some monsters are almost invisible, but all appear on the map in the upper right corner. That is, always be aware of the map to identify where the red balls are.

    Playing Sniper

    Playing well with a sniper requires a lot of practice. Not anyone can get a quick look with the telescopic sight and shoot. There are players who can do this with a secondary weapon or knife, and quickly switch to AWM and shoot. But this percussion also requires a lot of practice. There are also those who appeal and glue on the screen something to mark the point of sight. Well, everyone has their technique. But in a general way, we will describe some important points that every sniper should know.

    1 - Sensitivity
    We're not talking about the player's sensitivity, but the mouse. The sensitivity should be low, to help when looking. With the telescopic sight, moving a little means a lot. So, lower the sensitivity to have more control at the time of looking. To do this, go to Menu> Options> Controls. At the bottom you will see the bar that shows the sensitivity of the cursor.

    2 - Brightness
    A good sniper can see well where his enemy is. Changing the brightness to increase the brightness is a good option. To do this go to options> graphics and change the "Gamma" bar.

    3 - Moving
    Movement is extremely important as it decreases the chance of being hit while reloading the weapon. It is enough, after the shot, to move while the weapon is recharged.

    4 - Know the map well
    Try to anticipate the movement of your enemy not to be taken by surprise. The good sniper knows the map well and allows him to be attacked from the rear.

    5 - Techniques
    Some techniques are interesting when it comes to being a sniper. For example, after firing with the sniper, change your weapon to widen your field of vision instead of staring at targets. Another key technique is to stay hidden in some corner and, after firing, to move using the jump, as it decreases the chance of being hit.

    Rate this article CrossFire: check out tips to get it right on the popular free FPS

    (5/5) 2 ratings


    nice article bro continue

    12 may 2020 14:14

    may rank is 1 star i have 1 vip

    27 december 2019 14:05


    30 november 2017 22:50


    27 september 2019 08:57

    thats a good one!

    23 july 2018 07:15