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    Rate this article "Broforce - The Best 2D Shooting Platformer?"

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    mixtape_maker, 2 february 2019 20:38

    Broforce - The Best 2D Shooting Platformer?

    No, this is not Arnold Schwarzenegger, not Sylvester Stallone, and not Bruce Willis at all. These are Brommando, Rembro and Strong Broreshek. Completely different people, understood?

    The whole world of Broforce is riddled with terror and injustice. This is an ideal place for those who carry democracy on the wings of bombers. You are fighting for all the good against all the bad in all parts of the globe. That's an order. And orders, as we know, are not discussed.


    is an action-movie-parody like platformer in which your main task will be to get to the top of the level, hoist a striped flag with a star and jump on into the helicopter, because that's what patriots do. Any object in the game can be destroyed, but, in addition to destructive pleasure, destructible can bring other benefits. For example: drilling tunnels and jumping out behind enemies and their fortifications.
    As soon as you go on a mission, a detachment of familiar people comes to your disposal. It is customary to call each other “bro” in it; accordingly, we play for such characters as Brominator, Brobokop, Rembro and other idols of our childhoods, each of which is distinguishable by their looks and items. The whole battle arts is tied to three means of ambushing: each hero has a basic attack, an additional ability and a sharp army knife.

    All the different characters that you are able to play as during the action

    While you look and act cool, you need to be careful, as each character can die from a singular hit. When you do die, you start as a new character coming into the battle to help the ones downed. Each hero does things in their own way: some can fly and kick enemies' asses with shurikens, while others just pull out a couple sticks of dynamite and casually throw them over. The game is a chaos, which is what I love about it the most. While there are "Bro's" that can slowly take out the enemies from range, that's not  what fun is about, is it?

    The game runs smoothly with no lag or stutter, the artstyle is pleasant to look at and the soundtrack is great. Level design is awesome (most of the times), with the only bad thing being that some levels are similar to one another making it somewhat repetitive, though it's never the same because you always start the level with a random character.

    While single-player is all good and fun, you must try out multiplayer. Whether you're playing split-screen or on different platforms in different countries - the game is infinitely better with friends. Campaign is also a lot faster and entertaining when you have someone to back you up.
    You can also play against your friends in Versus mode. You can either play 1v1 or 2v2, both being awesome, but I prefer 2v2. That's where Broforce's beauty really lies, with you being able to incinerate and demolish your friends while also having great fun.
    There are also other modes, including Arcade. Arcade offers slightly different gameplay from Campaign, as instead of going up, you sometimes go down caves rigged with traps, and the walls being indestructable, etc. Other modes allow you to play with the character of your choosing, and Level Editor, obviously, allows you to create levels and distribute enemies.


    While the game has no story, it's still great fun. It's amusing, entertaining, immersive and unrealistic, which is exactly what games are loved for. 
    Come out from a bunker, launch a couple of rockets, fly behind enemy lines and take over the lands that belong to USA! The game is stupid, destructive, gory and fast paced, the humor is subtle yet funny, all game mechanics are polished and balanced; there is no reason to not love
    the game for what it is.
    Verdict: Yes, yes, yes. Buy it, play it, love it. The game is available on OS X, Linux, Nintendo Switch, Playstation and Windows. The game costs 13.99€ on Steam, and there is no reason to not buy it if you're looking for a replayable game that is also awesome and fun while also being affordable.

    Rate this article Broforce - The Best 2D Shooting Platformer?

    (4.53/5) 19 rates


    looks like a good retro game....nice article.

    12 july 2021 16:48

    Best references game ever in the history

    9 may 2019 20:14

    The game looks so amazing using the retro graphics. I believe its stylized in such a way to make you feel like you're back in the 90's/early 2000s . It's really fun, I've played it with a friend and the game works flawlessly.

    20 may 2019 18:12

    this game look soo awsome

    15 january 2020 05:11

    Nice platformer.

    24 may 2019 15:39

    this game if so fun where you are playing with a friend

    20 april 2020 12:23

    nice job!

    5 march 2019 15:26

    not the best graphisme but not also the worst 2d

    3 february 2019 22:45


    3 february 2019 11:26

    Nice article

    6 february 2019 14:21