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    grailmisdoer, 10 january 2018 13:11

    Beginner to advanced (Travian)

    its about how to make yourself stronger in this game like pro players

    Part I: (General)
    The person in right cornel of you, which will give you 22 tasks. You must act on these tasks.
    You should do your duties when your mouse goes, and then you can take it to your mouse, but it should be done right when your mouse comes to your computer and do the next tasks to number 21.
    That part of the expert asks you whether your military or economic must choose a military one.
    If you're a Gaul, choose business.


    Part II: (New Village)
    Well, now I want to explain the new village
    In our Travian, we have a few villages that are the rare and most popular villages of 9 and 15 wheat.
    Your villages should be normal in this way:

    1. Normal
    2. 9 Wheat
    3. 9 Wheat
    4. 15 Wheat
    5. 9 Wheat
    6. 15 Wheat
    7. 15 Wheat
    8. 9 Wheat
    9. 9 Wheat
    10. 15 Wheat

    The next villages should be chipped.
    7x7 each village must have at least 2 abandoned land 50% wheat (except for the first village).
    Village 10 must have capital.
    The distance between the villages should be at least 3 hours.
    Villages should be taken in a special order (later I will explain more).
    From village 8 onwards, you should take a village somewhere between 3 other villages.
    You need a cultural point to get your new village and you have to build and celebrate all the villages in order to get your cultural privilege.


    Part III: (Buildings)
    Well, now I want to tell you what kind of buildings you have to build
    Buildings to be built in all villages:
    1. Residence or palace (Level 20)
    2. Camp (level 15)
    3. Barracks (Level 10)
    4. Mill - Bread - Brick - Wood - Iron (Level 5)
    5. Main Building (Level 10)
    6. City Hall (Level 10)
    7. Hero Mansion (Level 20)
    8. City wall (level 20)
    9. Market - Warehouse - Granary (Level 20)
    10. Academy of Sciences (Level 20)
    11. Guns (level 3)
    12. Stalls (Level 10)
    13. Trapper - Hideout - Water jacket (Level 10) (Different for different breeds)

    Buildings that should not be built in all villages
    1. Embassy (Level 1) {Capital only}
    2. Horse training and drinking field (level 20) (only military villages)
    3. Armor (Level 10) {Only defense villages}
    4. Large stables and barracks (level 10) {Hummer only}
    5. Treasury (Level 10) {2 defensive villages and 2 assault villages}
    6. Stoning (Level 20) {Capital only}
    7. Trade Office (Level 20) {Only Feeder}
    8. Workshop (Level 10) {Only assault villages}


    Part IV: (Soldiers and Attacks)
    Attacks are 4 types:
    1. Plunder: Attack with robber soldiers to plunder resources
    2. Clearing: Attack with cleaners
    3. Destruction: Attack with destructive forces
    4. Fick: Attack with just one of the slowest soldiers

    What type of attack do we have?
    1. Who has a lot of resources (looting)
    2. The person who has a lot of soldiers (clearing attack)
    3. A person who has a lot of hideouts (destructive attack)
    4. The one who has a lot of resources - a soldier - has a lot of hideouts (first clearing, then destruction, and then plundering)
    5. One who has a lot of hideouts (first cleansing and destruction)
    6. When you want to fool someone (Fake attack)
    7. To obtain the enemy's statistics (the first espionage attack of the defender and troops, and then the resources and troops)

    What type of attack do we have?
    1. Who has a lot of resources (looting)
    2. The person who has a lot of soldiers (clearing attack)
    3. A person who has a lot of hideouts (destructive attack)
    4. The one who has a lot of resources - a soldier - has a lot of hideouts (first clearing, then destruction, and then plundering)
    5. One who has a lot of hideouts (first cleansing and destruction)
    6. When you want to fool someone (Fake attack)
    7. To obtain the enemy's statistics (the first espionage attack of the defender and troops, and then the resources and troops)


    Part V: (Play with Gauls)
    The game is so easy to play, but if you want to play professional you have to wait a little
    Gauls are the fastest race, so they must be enemy villages before the Teutons and loot all the resources outside the hideout.

    1. To play with a thief, you must take the second village of 400 | 400 or 0 | 400 or 400 | 0, that is, the distant point of the game and be sure to get the village 4-5-3-6
    2. You have to spend all your money on making a thunder so that your odds are up to 500
    3. You have to camp up to level 15 and create a level 10 training field, which means your thunderstorm will be doubled, which can be 38 to your typical server, and 76 to the server and then over time to get it to higher levels to speed you. More together
    4. Your village should be where there are at least 4 abandoned land 50% wheat and 2 15 wheat villages (no matter how much abandoned land is better)
    5. Except you in the first village, you will not be a trapped village
    6. Take Village 3 to a nearby 9th wheat village and fill it with the above method until the wheat reaches 500.
    7. But looting: To loot you must only hit 5 throws to players who are under the age of 9, and the distance does not matter at all.
    8. Your hero must be thunderbolt, because the most important thing is speed
    9. The fourth village is the village of 15 wheat clinging to the second village.
    10. You can attack every 2 minutes, so if you can only attack 2880 per day, then 2880 went up and 2880 to the return, which is 57600, of course, this is a comment, and in practice it does not. But in general you need 57600 thunderstorms

    * Important note: The reason I'm saying is to take the place away:
    1. You do not need a hideout, a trap and a defensive force
    2. Someone can’t make you a chip or kata
    3. A Teuton will never give up his soldiers 10-11 hours to loot you because of his profit

    ** Very important points

    1. villages
    1. A 9-wheat village with only 150 guys and 100 rabbits + 1,000 knights to blow up if someone near you has a new village and do not allow anyone to take a new village at 30 * 30 on your hometown.
    2. A 15-wheat village for the capital, which you should build 57600 to thunder and no other force needed
    3. A municipality village as a warehouse means in this village only these buildings should be built (residence - market - office of trade - hall - mill - bakery - cooker - wood - iron and steel - and bake charts all warehouse and warehouse The food for this village is because it sends out its resources when the village warehouse is overflowing, so you do not miss even one resource, and you can use the park as a park too.
    4. A 9-wheeled village for the same 1% combat that you can attack only a pedestrians and a priest
    5. A 15-wheat village for Hamar, namely, only a female sword - a knight's thief - a catapult and a raven + 2 chips (for when the Nataris were found)
    6. A typical village as a spy nest, in which 500 priest rides 2-3,000 to spies.
    7. All 9th and 15th villages close to the capital for lightning-free parking, which do not lead to starvation.
    8. The villages clinging to the capital as the source of the capital's change before its main strength is 24-hour looting.

    2. Vessels and armor
    All forces must shoot their weapons and armor for what they are built up to level 20, especially the thunders of the capital

    3. Time
    As I said, this is a time, but after 3 months, it's 100%
    and in the meantime, if you do not have much loot, do not make half the thunder of the first village.
    And in the case of the robbery that I said earlier, when your thunders are not too high, with 5 thunders attacking the players below 9 people, attack for a few reasons

    1. No casualties

    2. If you have not lost your back hand
    And after you've gotten too much thunder you can attack players with populations of 200-300 people, with more than 100-200 soldiers, the more profitable they are.
    And one more thing to see the farms you see are good sources of links and attack so that your power is there at around 4 in the morning until the village is full of sources, and the farms you attacked five times and not well explained. Do not rape anymore.

    3. Celebration
    Haddon is that you have to celebrate all of your hometown holidays and celebrate you in the capital and the big villages so you can get a new village sooner.

    4. Gold
    You do not need this much gold and only modest 1 or 2 days, but it's better to have 25% of your active Wheat account active, and if you really want to spend it and have fun, enable it all. Of course except +10 power of defense


    Part VI: (Professional Teaching with Teutons)
    Important note: Every little move I say has many reasons to do it all because I tried it three times and answered it.
    You must start your account from the 4th of the following week in the third week so that your village finds itself after (100 | 100).
    Get the first 250 gold with 250 cards. Activate your account and all the benefits of Travian Plus, except defense.

    1. Disable Assignment Tasks and get the first part of Assistants Assistance.
    2. Build the main building level 3 and camp 1 and the soldier at level 1 (end immediately with gold)
    3. Now, create 2 soldiers and attack the first non-active player with a population below 8 who are outside your support (it will take approximately 3 hours)
    4. So hit the players so you can make another one (you can make up to 3 by one depending on your style)
    5. Well, now it's 10 hours so you can get another package of expert help that will help you build 3 other soldiers.
    6. Now you can attack 3 inactive players simultaneously and, of course, more players get out of the way
    7. Now plunder again so you can make a bigger goose for the next 10 hours and get the next pack and get 2-3 more horses.
    8. Repeat this procedure so that your horseradish grows and you reach the last one to the last packager. This pack should have a wheat plot of 1- warehouse - granary and market (made immediately with gold)
    9. Now make some adjustments, and iron and gondomone that you can probably overfill
    Very important point: since your GNM is about -25 now, you must have the remaining resources to adjust all of your wheat.
    Very important point: you have to take your wheat from your loot, which is very simple.
    10. Now you just have to loot, and whenever your stock is full, moderate and rebuild all your resources, minus the wheat, for 2 hours of your soldier.
    11. Do this 24 hours before the end of support for newcomers
    12. Last Day Your newcomers should build a Level 5 hideout
    Warning: Since you have started the server and sent the soldiers, your loot only when your soldiers are not in the tomb, and you do not have resources, you can get away from the account and just 10 minutes before your soldiers have to express your point of interest. (Of course, if you want to conclude this way)
    13. After new arrivals, your soldiers should not be inside your village and you should always be robbed
    14. Loot so much so that your mare can reach 200 bucks and all your 13x13 batons will be yours.
    Important note: your friendship does not mean 21x21
    Important note: Note that now your wheat is close to -200, so it's very important that Houston be collected, that your soldier does not drop (with the help of looting - and moderation should do so)
    15. Now it's time to hit your raccoons to level 3 with the resources you loot
    16. Then take your warehouse up to level 7 that you do not have to consume a lot of gold
    17. Now you have to build a soldier of the house level 3 + Academy level 5 + weapon level 3 + build the main level 5 + 5 level stables
    18. Now you have to throw the wheat to level 5 and make the mill
    19. Now move the firewood to Level 5 - Iron and steel mines to level 4
    20. Now you have to investigate the spy-spear-delaware and the assassin
    21. Fill the wheat grass to level 7 and grind to level 3
    22. Now make the unit below, and whenever you get rid of the wheat, close to -200
    Ghezard 500
    Spear 100 to defend against crashes that do not hurt your bulb once
    Teapot 150 to farm nearby villages that are like you are a lot of active
    Spy 20 to spy and defend against spies
    Delaware 50 to plow the farms that are a little crawl and defense against the pedestrians
    23. If you come here, now you have to buy a gold package of 600 and you do not need to modify one or two days before.
    Well, after all this, you have to tell yourself how much you play. You have to do this in the first 2 weeks of the game, so you should be 24-hour on the window because if you even make 1 Darts a shot, then unfortunately you should remove it. Make an account and all your golds will be lost, but if you can run this way you can easily become Top10.
    This is a professional way for gamers to play, so if you're a bit angry, do not try it at all, because you have to spend 250 gold in the first two weeks.


    Part VII: (Trade and Adjustment)
    10th level market
    5th level warehouse
    10 level barn
    Well, you are looking at the following forms for trading
    Wood - Wheat
    Clay - Wheat
    Iron - Wheat
    Change your income with wheat by 40% or 50%, and whenever your livestock feed is full, you will turn into a resource by modifying all the wheat.
    The reason for this is that the wheat is not used by any player, and everyone from the god who changed it with other sources.
    Whatever the level of warehouses and markets you have, you can get more profits with less gold.
    Warning: Nexus is a war game and the purpose of this is that you have the resources of the players who are too far away to be stronger than you or to hide them so much so that you do not have any problems so you still looted them. Just note that with this you can’t profit as robbery

    1. When you want to go to a party
    2. When you want to sleep
    3. When your warehouse is being filled and you can’t use that resource due to lack of 1 source
    4. Reducing the number of adjustments (saving gold when your wheat is moth negative)

    Part VIII: (Getting the Medal of the Ridgers with Gauls)
    Items needed:
    1. 8th to 9th village of wheat full of soldiers in 13 * 13 following coordinates
    (250 | 250) - (250 | -250) - (- 250 | 250) - (- 250 | -250) - (200 | 0) - (0 | 200) - (- 200 | 0) - (0 | -200)
    2. 2500 throws in each
    3. Practice level 10 level
    4. Match 3 matching
    5. Continuous and 24 hours looting
    6. Warehouse and warehouse level 15
    Well, friends, after you have gotten this situation, now you have to attack the farms in each region with these villages, and note that the defense is to attack and produce the source of every resource for the village itself.
    You must be 24-hour online and have at least 1 month of experience with all breeds
    Well, now you have to attack only players with fewer than 100 gamers. Note that all server gamers that have a population below 100 must have 15-10-15 and 25 soldiers depending on the situation and the area. And it’s crowds attack and loot
    Important note: Wheat, all your villages may be negative, but you should not care about it at all, and remember that you have to get all your goods with plunder.
    Important: Your account must always be active until the end of the server.
    Important: All 2 of you must be 1 person attacking reports and another attacking the map.
    Warning: Be careful not to mix the reports together
    Also, this method in your spider server is much better than normal server and note that when one player can take 1 medal of looters, he can win several medals of other looters and each medal of looters = extraordinary progress
    This method is only futile, since gules with 400 traps and a number of soldiers, such as a peddler and a priest, can defend themselves, and its lightning speed doubles with the level 10 training field.
    Also, after you take this 8 village you can get a village clinging to them and fill them with a defensive force that will be combined with your first village. You can also have 17 villages and capitals. You can have a 15 wheat village in your 7x7 Get the coordinates (400 | 400)
    This method is very hard and expensive, but if you do this, you can easily earn rank 1 in your country and get with a Goal 7-8 for the looters and perhaps 2-3 for the attackers.

    Part IX: (A good way for people who do not have a lot of time)
    Since you do not have much time to do and you do not have time to play, you might be Chief or Farm.
    Well, you have to start the game one month after the start of the server, because usually all the players who are starting late and your neighbor are well-qualified and are pretty good. For this, you have to activate your account on Wednesday night.
    After activating the account, as I said before, if you have a TB, you should immediately go to the barracks and the soldier, and if you're a gypsy and a Roman man, you should take the quest to empty the warehouses, and then go to your warehouse to fill the warehouse.
    If you return from the market or school on Thursday, if you are a Teuton, make more soldiers and send them to the loot, and if you do otherwise, do the rest if you are a Romanian, and if you are an economist, choose the first one to play. Take a pedestrian soldier
    If you are in the Teuton and the Romans, sleep at night and wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning and send your soldier to the loot. If you are not willing to start, take the quests and prepare your research needs.
    If you can’t be more than 2 hours a day, just like you are plundering, you will have the resources and the shelter and the hideout so when your soldiers reach 100, begin building the rest of the buildings and investigating the rest of the soldiers.
    For the capital, find 9 wheat, with around at least 4 abandoned land 50% wheat, and all the next villages in your 7 * 7 village.
    Try to send all the soldiers every time you go to the loot so that you can get the resources you need. They produce all the resources. If you want to get a better result, you must loot more.
    Remember that you do not have 100,000 soldiers in your game so you do not have enough to 100 soldiers and you can build a soldier that if you are not attacking someone, make a mistake.
    Remember, always buy 30 gold coins to adjust resources


    I hope you enjoyed

    Rate this article Beginner to advanced (Travian)

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    Wow oke game

    12 april 2020 11:15

    I played travian before and best guide to master travian is to find someone who leave in diferent time zone and you 2 play on same account 24/7. Travian really take soo much free time thats why i quit playing it.

    16 august 2021 18:27

    It look ok

    10 october 2019 23:14

    what the heck is "Camp" and "Guns", i cant find anything by those names

    29 april 2019 20:56

    Wheat wheat and wheat... its good to know

    10 january 2018 17:11