This game is published in the end of august 2008 by John Baez (The Behemoth). It was originally created for only XBOX 360. 2 years later, a version for PS3 was released and PC version is released in 2012 (which is exclusive to Steam). This game is about some knights trying to get the mystical crystal back from a wizard, saving the princesses and return the crystal back to the king and defeat the Wizard himself. This game is a hack n slash kind of game and also got some RPG elements in there.
This game got a remastered version which gives uncapped frame rate, new minigame, better textures and much more but we going to get to that later on.
-Basic Infos-
Castle Crasher is a 2D hack n slash game which your character is a knight, you have 5 different kind of stats to upgrade on and each have its own use. This helps you with your journey to get the crystal back, defeating The Wizard and saving the princess. This isn't an open world game but instead a stage to stage in a big world map. After few stages, there will be a boss and your progress is usually SAVED ONLY IF you killed the boss.
This game works best if you have 3 other friends that wanted to play because Castle Crasher offers up to 4 people CO-OP! on the same device or steam connect. Also, if you didn't have that many friends, you can let the game find you a partner and finish the game together!
This picture was captured just now when I bought Castle Crasher on steam 1-2 weeks ago during summer sale. I couldn't get the original version but since they didn't change anything to stats system, only the texture so I used this
-During Beta-
At the moment I'm writing this, Steam gave players FREE UPDATE to the Remastered Version so I couldn't get one of the original gameplays from me but I got this from google.
Link to where I got this picture:
The picture above was Castle Crasher in the BETA, the characters looked strong ,tough and actually made you feel like they were actually knights. The game didn't have much back then and everything was really laggy and had a lot of bugs because it was in the BETA. Still, it was around 2008 and their goals weren't being the game with best texture quality.
-Released Version-
Source of the picture:
The GUI and everything made really simple, the attacks and spells are somewhat slow and bit buggy ( I played from this version , just that I don't have any old pictures).
-Remastered Version-
A picture of how the map looks like.
Still, its so much different from the BETA version. The characters are built in a chibi way ( big head and small body) and the knights actually looks like marshmallows that can use magic or swords . I didn't get to play the original version but this version looks great and some parts of the game confuses me like why is it even there.
I actually laughed out loud in some parts of the game.
As you can see, the game is still 2D but the quality is really different, we can clearly see the images and everything going on. Also, the GUI changed and we could see which character we are.
You will have to fight each boss with a different style of fighting and a different strategy because none of the bosses , even the mobs are similar in different regions
-Is it worth it to buy right now-
I personally bought it because I grew up with it and I wanted to experience my childhood again but if you don't even know what is Castle Crasher then I recommend waiting for sale and buy it.
With the same sale as Steam Summer Sale, i got Castle Crasher for around 1.5 Dollars which is a really good price (thanks Steam). It is totally worth it, I can't promise you all a good texture quality game but I can promise a fun and weird art style and gameplay.
This game full walkthrough is around 4.5 hours of gameplay but if you try them for the first time then it can easily get up to 10 hours or even more if you play co-op because it is really hard.
this game really is a classic
Castle Crasher is a 2D hack n slash game which your character is a Doomknight,
I really like this game thanks for that excellent information.
i do like this article cause i miss the retro games like this and yes its fairly well made
True. Best game back then
Old games are very nice and cool to play!
Classic games/Old games are the best! it gives nostalgic memories seeing them in 2021
This game has a very cute and funny graphic style. But the strength of this game is that it can be played with friends.
Very epic game. Have 1k hours on this game for a very long time. Its a very nice game for friends and etc. etc.
I love this game's artstyle, even if its old, it still holds up today!