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    Rate this article "A 2D Indie Platformer game - Clumsy Chef [Steam] "

    (4.13/5) 53 rates
    noobda, 5 june 2018 20:52

    A 2D Indie Platformer game - Clumsy Chef [Steam]

    This game is not a free to play game and costs around $5 on steam store, and the pricing may vary depending on your location and currency.
    If you're looking for a game with achievements or steam trading cards or some Multi Player experience, this game is straight away not for you. This game is just a pretty basic 2D Platform Indie game where there are some decent jump and collect mechanics involved which include some levels to go along with it. And I have to mention that the collectables in this game are Donuts... So, let find out more about this game below....

    Clumsy Chef:
    This game has a Chef as the main protagonist, or character as we speak of, and this game is quite similar to most of the games which are around in the Indie genre for quite a long time. The first time I saw this game, I got 'The Dangerous Dave' game to my mind, which is a DOS Game... So, what's this game all about, well you'll have to collect some collectables and you'll have to pass through a door which leads you to another level where you'll have to do the same with more difficulty. These games just don't go crazy instead they become harder and harder to play once you start levelling up. Here, take a look at the game....

    You can see that all the image and background in this game are only for the instance, the game is a 2D platform game. So, how the gameplay, you might ask. Everything depends on how the game works and runs on pretty basic hardware, well if the game itself isn't properly balanced then it'd probably not make it this far. So, lets hop on to that...

    Lets check out some information about this game from Steam store page:

    • Single Player Game
    • Has no Steam achievements
    • Has No Steam Trading Cards as of now, they might be or might not be added in the near future depending on the pace of the game and its developers
    • Developer: IndieLip
    • Publisher: IndieLip
    • Release Date: February 5th, 2018
    • This game is tagged as Casual Adventure 2D indie game on steam
    • The game is only available in English, many indie games are only available in English. Only the games with extreme popularity have support for many languages like The Witcher 3 and the Valve's very own Team Fortress 2 which has support for over 25 languages

    In the above screenshot you can see the cook/chef of the game who has to collect Donuts and then pass through the door. This game could have been better with some nice soundtrack or something similar which cover some things, and the game has some ample amount of levels and of them you'll find some of them quite hard as well. By hard and tough I mean, it'll be tougher to collect all the Donuts than passing through the door, all levels are almost the same except the difficulty and obstacles. If you own this game you'll find yourself accompanied with this game for quite a while or you'll stop playing this game, either way this is not a pretty big game, its just a small Indie game with ample levels and quite few challenging levels.

    So, can you run this game? Well the answer for most of the indie games which are gentle on graphics is YES, as they don't require much of the resources and are good at feasibility which require less juice from your graphics card. Lets check that out now... Anyway the minimum requirements to be able to play this game are:

    > Requires an Intel i3 or a quad core CPU [Its quite funny that the steam store page for this game recommends an Intel i9 Processor to play this game]
    > 1Gig of RAM is quite sufficient but to run Steam and a bunch of chrome tabs or a song you'll atleast require 2GB of RAM
    > The game occupies around 300MB of hard drive storage
    > The game runs on Intel HD graphics as well, but in case you own an dedicated graphics card then it uses that instead...
    > Directx v9 is enough but the game's steam page recommends having Directx v12 though

    This game is actually fun to some extent while you're playing it for the first few times, and then you'll get aware of how everything in the game works and its not quite that fun. The game is quite a bit pricey as of now considering the gameplay it has to offer, anyway the game is an OK to play Indie game on steam. If you're into indie games then you'll probably might like this game a bit, while some may only take a look at indie games with smooth transitions and mechanics. Once you get the hang of the game with the controls [up, down, left, right arrow keys], you're probably good to go with this game....

    Thanks :)

    Rate this article A 2D Indie Platformer game - Clumsy Chef [Steam]

    (4.13/5) 53 rates


    Wow awesome article

    29 june 2018 19:42

    The game is ok but that there are no steam cards and no steam achievements is a bad point I only get games mostly for the trading cards and thats basically it also i write this bcs of money

    25 june 2018 12:13

    Have never heard about this game, but you expain it well

    8 june 2018 23:20

    Its funny. I like it

    11 june 2018 05:55

    not good so bad indie game ubt can make best

    1 july 2018 11:57

    Rated BAD 1/5 old game freebies -_-

    13 june 2018 12:31

    looks cool, might check it out

    9 july 2018 04:19

    I love that app!

    5 july 2018 23:45

    Don't belive that just watch

    23 june 2018 02:30

    Good i like it

    30 june 2018 05:26